How to make TACO MAC | One Pot Meal | Easy Recipe

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We are making Taco Mac today! This is a one pot meal that is fast to make and taste amazing. It’s basically a pasta dish that has a taco flare to it. Packed full of …

17 replies
  1. Deloimoi Guardian
    Deloimoi Guardian says:

    Hello Lydia,
    I wanted to share that I made this recipe after seeing your video. It was absolutely delicious, but I made it again and decided to spice things up. I made mac-n-cheese first and added these ingredients and then baked it. It turned out super delicious. You have probably already thought of this, but in case you haven't I thought I would share. Thank you for all of your videos!

  2. wjf213
    wjf213 says:

    This looks REALLY good. I love tacos and have been jonesing for them for a week or so now. I love your toppings, but I'm also adding some Doritos or maybe Fritos or maybe BOTH on top. Tacos need to crunch, and I'm a Man who knows tacos….hmmm I'm pretty sure there's some sort of off color joke in there about a Man and tacos, but since this is Good Friday, and I don't really feel like getting hit by lightning…or the girlfriend, I'll shut up and slither out of here and show myself to the door. lol Boy, you blew right past the 10k mark pretty fast, you're doing very well. Keep up the great work.

  3. Ojay Is Ojay
    Ojay Is Ojay says:

    Would you look at that; easy, quick. Having all ingredients really just means I don't have any excuse not to try this (although I suspect my avocados may already be depressed…had too many stocked up).
    The hand gestures will be my source of mirth today. Srsly how do I end up being so busy while everyone's on lockdown?

  4. Matt L
    Matt L says:

    Hi Lydia, this looks yummy! I'm a fan of one pot meals, mostly because I don't want lots of dishes to wash 🙂 I've actually tried pizza with taco sauce instead of the regular sauce on it, it was ok but I much prefer the regular sauce. I've also made homemade pizza with leftover chilli con carne and topped with pepperoni / salami and cheese, delicious! You should try it if you haven't already (I put mushrooms, bell peppers and red kidney beans in my chilli so I didn't add any extra to the pizza).
    I hope you and your family are doing well, this virus has hit you guys pretty hard over there in the States and I pray you all pull through it ok. We here in Australia haven't been as badly affected by it, mostly because it's a large country with only 25 million people. Matt.

  5. Ed Keaton
    Ed Keaton says:

    Hey Lydia! Happy Thursday my lovely friend! I actually love meals like this that are comforting and filling. Very substantial, stick to your ribs food. I appreciate you and your channel. Thanks for sharing this and for being the lovely ray of sunshine that you are on here every week. Your beautiful presence and your videos cheer me up even in these very dark days and trying times. Have a great rest of your week and be well and safe as always my lovely friend.


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