How To Make Sweet Potato Vodka

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Lets make a smooth tasty vodka from sweet potato (Kumera). Use the code “STILLIT10” to get 10% an EasyDens at: …

40 replies
  1. Matt Beamer
    Matt Beamer says:

    I distill sweet potatoes every year. The key to mashing is to peel them as the peels are much too earthy and dirty. Also use pectin enzyme. The M1 yeast is spot on for this. It creates a creamy rich distillate that is worthy of barrel aging!

  2. ArthurEKing8472
    ArthurEKing8472 says:

    I've checked in a few of your videos, and you've often talked about Angel Yeast, and I wanted to give it a try, BUT I can't seem to find anything other than yellow-label on ANY store online. (Which really isn't what I'm looking for?) Do you know of any sites that DO sell individual packages of their product? (And ship to Canada, lol)

  3. Christer Vikström
    Christer Vikström says:

    I have a question, do you never use activated carbon and purify the vodka? In Sweden, we have activated carbon that is sold specifically to clean bad odors and to remove oils. I would like to point out that it is forbidden to distill alcohol in Sweden, but not forbidden to sell active carbon. Excuse my bad English but you know what I mean.

  4. Dan Toppa
    Dan Toppa says:

    I womder how it would go mixing reciepes ,like adding half kg of wheat bran ,like i did with the other vodka reciepie that worked a treat ,wheatbran sugar and tomato paste with a little citric acid and half dose normal white spirits nutrients.ill try it sooner or later

  5. Rick Meredith
    Rick Meredith says:

    Sorry I'm not on target with the video, I've just come into a useful amount of pure fructose, and was wondering if anyone out there had used it to make alcohol. I've had a look around on both YouTube & Google, & have found them somewhat vague with a good recipe. Does anyone out there have any experience with a fructose wash, or know of a good recipe I could use. I've heard that it makes a hangover free alcohol. Thought it was worth a good old try.

  6. Scott DeSart
    Scott DeSart says:

    Great video. I did some sweet potato vodka based on George’s recipe. I did 2 runs. The first was a disaster as I just couldn’t get enough sugar from potatoes. The second run did better but like you I added amylase. I was disappointed in the very low yield. Conclusion, a tremendous amount of work, a lot of cleanup for very little finished product. I had high hopes

  7. Loy
    Loy says:

    I've tried sugar beet vodka (industrial one, I can't make any alcool in my country), it comes with lots of flavors, really different from basic water and ethanol mix called "vodka". So not surprised that with sweet potatoes it keep flavors.
    One stupid idea : alcool from oignons ? 😀 They have a lot of sugar… 🙂

  8. Brewery
    Brewery says:

    Yes, it smells like sweet potatoes and smells like perfume for me 😅 hehe, but can get rid of the smell by filtering it again using activated charcoal/carbon active. Thank u very much for sharing… Love 🥰 all ur video's… By the way Soon I will brew very unic whisky flavor Hehe.🤔

  9. Denis Dendrinos
    Denis Dendrinos says:

    Made this twice now.
    First time I baked them but obviously way too high.
    Second time i juiced and then cooked. Got a s.g of and then added amalyse in case it didn't convert. Got the same after.

    Try macerating some walnuts in the vodka!

  10. cydery
    cydery says:

    Hi, Jesse, absolutely love what you are doing. Crazy coincidence, I just finished watching George at Barley and Hops Brewing making Sweet Potato Vodka. If you haven't seen it already its a 6 part series done about 2 years ago. Slightly different approach but it seems the out come is about the same. Damned annoying I can't join the fun.🙂

  11. H J
    H J says:

    I baked the tubers with the skin on at 80C until it was soft and would make a mash when squashed. Added some cooler water about 60-65C and got a 1.060 density. It took a week to ferment dry 1.005 at 25C using a brewers yeast.

  12. Shane Forsythe
    Shane Forsythe says:

    the sweet potato might of been irradiated at the airport or markets depending on what country they come from., changeing the enzymes and de-activating them. it also changes the structure of starches,

  13. Barmy Army
    Barmy Army says:

    Bhaha, Iv'e a bucket load of Kumera in the shed i grew, i'm never going to eat them all, so perhaps i'll try this with the addition of some barley i feel could be a winner..

  14. Brian D
    Brian D says:

    Do you have Sugar Beets in NZ? I wonder what a the spirit made from them would be like. Sugar beets were once far more common in North America for sugar production, but I think other sources became more economical.

  15. Fergie
    Fergie says:

    Sooo cool I found your channel! I’m a homebrewer and please correct me if I am wrong but that easyden does measure beer abv as well? If so I am sold !!! Always love watching different processes and informative!!!! Would love to see a twist of sweet potato casserole take or yams….I know some call them the same thing just covering all bases lol 🎃Cheers!


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