How to Make Stovetop Oatmeal | Quaker

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It’s hard to beat a hot-from-the-stove oatmeal breakfast, so why not try cooking your morning oats on the stove? Watch this tutorial …

50 replies
  1. TheWizardTk
    TheWizardTk says:

    I can’t believe the redpilotsun video is more famous than this lol and made me buy more Quaker oats than any actual advertisement lmao they needa do merch as well I’d totally buy that

  2. Eula
    Eula says:

    So I was doing it wrong… It was like eating wet paper. Hopefully I get it right next time. It'll probably still taste like paper though but atleast it's correct

  3. Thank you
    Thank you says:

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  4. muushuuruum
    muushuuruum says:

    i made my first ever oatmeal and the texture was really thick and mushy so now i'm here

    i experimented with milk and water, just water and just milk and i now have concluded that just water has the best consistency for me


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