How to Make REAL Italian Ricotta at Home

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How to Make REAL Italian Ricotta at Home | Traditional Homemade Ricotta Cheese Recipe Ever since trying ricotta in Italy, I have …

42 replies
  1. amouramarie
    amouramarie says:

    I wonder how it happened that someone discovered by scraping the gunk off of the inside of a baby cow's stomach and mixing it with milk from its mother, you can make cheese….? Some inventions just make you think lol

  2. Eduardo Vanzini
    Eduardo Vanzini says:

    I am really sorry to say this but you sound so ignorant saying how to pronounce RICOTA. American wants us to speak english without our accent and even make fun of it but we listen and sctually get as close as we hear your english. Americans do lot LISTEN . Listen Eva speaking and pronouncing italian and say it the SAME.

  3. markiangooley
    markiangooley says:

    Whey is rich in milk sugar. We Americans have a sweet tooth: does that make it whey cheeses like real ricotta more appealing to us?

    As a boy I became fond of gjetost, that sticky brown cheese from Norway that’s largely whey and very sweet. Unfortunately I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and started needing to take insulin shots, and eating anything so sweet was a bad idea…

  4. Patrick
    Patrick says:

    Saying Ricotta wrong with your American accent is jingoistic (I'm American). Of course things should be called what the locals call them. It's disrespectful to say it wrong when you know how to say it right. Coming up with your own pronunciation says you don't take the people seriously, you're treating them like children. You don't know better how to say their word than they do. That's a ridiculous position. Still, love you both.

  5. rainwaterd
    rainwaterd says:

    My wife makes a fresh cheese (like ricotta?) with milk and buttermilk. The buttermilk curdles the milk. I've never had real italian ricotta, but my wife's cheese looks like the video above……and it is my favorite cheese to put on my pasta. It definitly tastes very fresh…..mmmmmmm

  6. Angry Guy from the North
    Angry Guy from the North says:

    Living near rural towns and viillages, I've been to a dairy farm to help my cousin to milk the cows, after the milking process, I could take three gallons of raw milk from the tank and I filtered it before consuming it. it was the best milk I have ever had, I mafe homemade cheese with it and drank it too, it was creamy and delicious. Raw milk is actually healthier when it's harvested and processed properly, it strengthens the immune system. I haven't been sick for years, I don't have colds or sore throats or flu, I have become resistant to many more illnesses by consuming raw milk and my allergies have all disappeared It has been proven that children who live in the countryside and consume fresh milk have a more efficient and resistant immune system than children who do not consume it.

  7. Julie Bonaduce
    Julie Bonaduce says:

    It's a crime to buy ricotta in America. It's so stinking easy, getting the raw milk is the hardest part. (Don't even need the fancy rennet; I usually just 2 parts whole organic milk to 1 part buttermilk. You can also drop your ricotta into the blender with a splash of heavy cream and turn it into a kind of mascarpone/cream cheese. Works great!)

  8. M T
    M T says:

    I only recently discovered Pasta Grammar channel & I love to watch this fun cute couple. They should be tapped for a PBS cooking show. They are so delightful & fun. My paternal grandparents came from Puglia, so I really enjoy the videos they do in Italy. You guys are terrific! I've learned a few interesting tips & recipes from watching. This homemade ricotta episode was terrific!

  9. Claudia Dolfi
    Claudia Dolfi says:

    Defenitly your Italian pronounciation of 'Ricotta' is much better, it's actually pretty authentic. The English version is hard to understand, if it wasn't all about Ricotta I probably wouldn't know what you are talking about 😅

  10. Ray Morphis
    Ray Morphis says:

    nope out here in nowhere texas we farmers trade stuff so it's not a "sale" it is a barter and bless their little hearts our Over bearing corrupt government hasn't found a way to screw with that yet.


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