How To Make Instant Pot Oatmeal (+ 3 Flavor Ideas!)

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Today I’m breaking out the Instant Pot to show you how to make your own creamy and hearty Steel Cut Oatmeal in no time at all! The base recipe is very simple, …

50 replies
  1. Cindy Parish
    Cindy Parish says:

    This is great, I like to prep ahead, so perfect! Thanks and can't wait to see you finished house.
    In one video you used what looked like a heated food processor or mixer, could you give me the item description, thanks again for your wonderful work and incredible personality!

  2. jennae1993
    jennae1993 says:

    My absolute favorite oatmeal right now is fresh mango, banana, kiwi, unsweetened coconut flakes, raw almonds, a little drizzle of maple syrup & unsweetened vanilla almond milk.  Yum!  It keeps me full all day.

  3. jemma _
    jemma _ says:

    I don’t know what it is but for some reason your face has been GLOWING so much more. You look as though you’re genuinely happy and it’s radiating through. I love your videos more and more each week 💓

  4. Hannah Wymer
    Hannah Wymer says:

    My favorite oatmeal combo is old fashion oats, mashed banana, chopped strawberries, cinnamon, 1 tbsp vegan vanilla protein powder, raisins, topped with shredded coconut, sugar free syrup, and Justin’s chocolate hazelnut butter

  5. Hannah Ashley
    Hannah Ashley says:

    I know that you have made videos touching on this before, but I am a college student struggling with my relationship with food/body/exercise. Could you touch on how to heal this, how to buikd good habits, and easy/accessible meals to have to heal? I know you aren't a doctor or giving medical advise, I'd just like input <3

  6. Ca'rin Wixom
    Ca'rin Wixom says:

    I live for oatmeal 😍 I usually do mine with cinnamon and mixed berries, but sometimes I do cinnamon, chocolate chips, almond extract and fresh strawberries! I just got my first instapot so I'm excited to learn more recipes!:)


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