How to make instant coffee #coffee

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25 replies
  1. @e13373
    @e13373 says:

    Please stop spreading this myth. 100C water is not enough to cause any burning reaction. The coffee was roasted at more than 200C. Additionally, your water temp do not change extraction of instant coffee because your are always dissolving 100%. If you want hot coffee, use water off the boil.

  2. @mortenfrosthansen84
    @mortenfrosthansen84 says:

    This is not instant, if there is a recipe to it.
    Even just pouring two different tempered water, is more than putting the cup under, press a button. Presto.. coffee.
    Splash of milk to cool it a bit, drink

  3. @mortenfrosthansen84
    @mortenfrosthansen84 says:

    A really good tip.. use whole coffee beans, and grind your own powdered coffee.
    Safes you the up to 10% roaches and friends. (Disclaimer. This is coffee from US producers of ground coffee.)
    Plus you can experiment with blends yourself and find your favourite taste
    Forgot the disclaimer


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