How to Make Homemade Tomato Soup While Camping in the Desert

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Picture this. You’re out in the desert camping and enjoying a relaxing morning around your campsite. As the noon hour approaches, your stomach begins to …

20 replies
  1. Charley Folkes
    Charley Folkes says:

    It’s always an adventure cooking with the wind blowing and everything.. Looks good !

    Crema-Mexicana is a good substitute for Creme Fraiche . It comes in a jar and is thinner than sour Cream.

  2. twwtb
    twwtb says:

    Very nice. Takes a bit of logistical effort and planning to cook like this afield. I usually give my onions a head start. IMO, garlic get's nasty if over cooked. Also, It's generally safer for Americans to pronounce it crem fresh.

  3. morelenmir
    morelenmir says:

    I really enjoy these camping episodes and I hope you will keep them coming!!! I may even give the soup a try myself at home, although I absolutely detest Garlic–I cannot bear even the hint of it in my food so I will give that ingredient a miss. Diced leeks or maybe Spring Onion might be a good alternative do you think?


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