How to Make Frankies- A Delicious Indian Street Food!

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How to Make Frankies- A Delicious Indian Street Food! Have you ever heard of a Frankie? If so, did you know you could make one at home? You’ll never believe …

3 replies
  1. Joe Serrano
    Joe Serrano says:

    Ymmmm…..well this Frankie could be an Indian Burrito! lol….definitely making it here, wonder if it'll will turn out o.k. if I use a corn tortilla? BUEN PROVECHO(TO YOUR HEALTH)dear Urvashi Ji, the food you prepare for your family is always AWESOME! 🙂

  2. Michel Gaudet
    Michel Gaudet says:

    Okay… I LOVE this channel for what it brings to my monitor. I give my word that I have NOTHING but great admiration for what the content creator provides for us. What I am about to say may be taken the wrong way, but here goes. I have had over NINE other folks, who sometimes enjoy my videos, ALL say 'about' the same thing when I DO what I am about to say, and what they say is something like, "WOW, Michel. It is much more enjoyable to watch the video now. It is much easier to follow along with what she is teaching us. COOL!" What is it I do? Simple. I slow the video DOWN by just one click; down to .75 speed. For a LOT of us, when we try to listen to someone talking in a somewhat 'hyper' manner, almost at times seeming out of breath, it can get a bit hard to sort of hang in there. By slowing down the video just that tiny bit… PERFECT for some of us.

    Urvashi, I give you my word that I am not being mean spirited here, but there are folks who are just too 'lay back' and get to a point to where they sort of get tired watching and listening to someone that sometimes seems to never take a good breath of air… 🙂 I get the same way, ESPECIALLY when I get really excited about something new or a big WOW! type thing happens_ I can talk a mile-a-minute and drive those around me crazy, often being told to SHUT-UP, MICHEL! WE GET IT ALREADY!

    I hope this is taken in the vein intended. At 69, I am STILL doing things I sometimes am not aware of until a friend points them out to me; someone who cares and just wants to be helpful. Sometimes I tell them to just stop worrying about me and go away, but then I realize no harm was meant.✨🤗✨

    By-the-way, I have followed your way of making Ghee_ BEST THING EVER!!! I now use it all the time! THANK YOU!


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