How to Make EASY Homemade Vanilla | Complete Explanation | Save Money | MYO Vanilla Extract

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14 replies
  1. Barbara Callaghan
    Barbara Callaghan says:

    Thanks for sharing, Katie! You've inspired me to make my own vanilla extract again. I've been out for a few years and store bought just doesn't compare. I like how you've used different alcohols. I have only tried vodka before. Blessings!

  2. T MD
    T MD says:

    I will never buy vanilla in the store again. I started mine last year, 3 bottles. Seemed like it would take forever but here we are! My favorite use is adding it to my homemade pancake mix, nothing better!

  3. RSJ-Texas
    RSJ-Texas says:

    Yup, I’ve been making vanilla extract for several years. Usually with vodka but I really love to use spiced rum. Wow that gives an awesome flavor !!! God bless Katie!!

  4. Mimiohnine
    Mimiohnine says:

    I started my original jar of homemade vanilla in 2015. I purchased the jar and beans in a set from the Amish store. The instructions on the jar suggested glycerin. But I used vodka. The jar was 20 oz with 4 beans and it’s still going strong! I have emptied the jar in a separate jar and refilled the jar to sit for 6+ months before using again. Long about 2017 I bought more beans and started another jar for my daughters. I just keep the girls jars filled up and we all just love the fresh vanilla!

  5. Phyllis Coffman
    Phyllis Coffman says:

    Hey, Katie 🌸💚. I have always wanted to do this, but the beans are so expensive. I saw the vanilla trees in Mexico 💕. Could you use tequila or moonshine? Thank you so much for sharing sweetie ❤️

  6. Anita Minyard
    Anita Minyard says:

    I took containers and a fifth of vodka with vanilla beans, to a family reunion and filled containers night before reunion. Daughter and I had a big laugh when I told her to make sure door was locked and curtains closed tightly because my home county is a dry county where you can't buy alcohol!!!! I cut a bean in half abd put in containers and filled up with my vanilla. Everyone was so happy and pleased with their gift. I shop all year for pretty containers so always have on hand. This is such a special, unique gift, which makes it more special. Enjoyed visit today.

  7. cindy b
    cindy b says:

    my favorite is madagascar vanilla beans. I use 1 oz of beans to 8 oz. of Titos vodka for single fold, and I weigh the beans, and 2 oz for double fold. I let mine set for a year. It is delicious. just delicious. I also started a mother jar. Ina Garden got me started. I was watching her one day on youtube and she said her mother jar was 27 years old. it is amazing. If you can still smell alcohol then your vanilla is not "matured".

    KATHY KRANTZ says:

    This was a really great informative video.
    I made my first vanilla almost a year ago
    And it’s a winner. It’s so much better than store bought. Thank you so much
    Mrs Katie ❤️


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