How To Make Delicious Birria Tacos At Home

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Birria may be new to some people, but this dish has been around for decades! Follow Micelle Lainez as she shows you how to make melt-in-your-mouth birria …

27 replies
  1. Robert Buth
    Robert Buth says:

    I was watching at the beginning thinking, "wow I could do this for a fun taco dinner party", then I continued watching and saw it has a lot of hours of prep time. Then by the end of the video, my mouth salivating, I realized…I don't want to throw a party I just want to make that whole pot for myself! 💯🤩👏👏

  2. Pinkwildchild
    Pinkwildchild says:

    Im literally in the process of cooking this now, i saw this video the other day and said i have got to try it!! And you did not lie, the 90 minutes have been the hardest….thank God I only have 15 left to go😩😩😂😂


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