How to Make Chinese Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs (糖醋排骨)

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See full recipe here: Sweet and sour is always a perfect combination when it comes to food in general.

39 replies
  1. Jia Wu
    Jia Wu says:

    Thanks for the recipe, I made it and it’s sooo good. Would also recommend for anyone else to defrost the ribs in water so the blood will drip out. Also recommend some lemon zest on top of finished product to give it a fresh sweet aroma.

  2. Valery Nicolle Lemus Sandoval
    Valery Nicolle Lemus Sandoval says:

    I’ve been craving these ever since I got a gastric sleeve. I can’t even eat “normal” foods until my stomach has healed and that won’t happen until like 21 days. Send help. I’m starving. All I can eat is clear liquids like soup broth and Gatorade.

  3. Robert Huppe
    Robert Huppe says:

    When I found the ribs cut like in your video at the asian market , I gave a try to your recipe. It turned out great. We will repeat . Next time I might replace the regular white sugar with brown sugar. Thanks !

  4. nogshim
    nogshim says:

    Hi. I made followed your recipe. It was delicious!!! My husband really enjoyed them. However, I noticed that there was a slightly meaty smell from the pork. I wanted to know if that was normal. If not if there was a way to get rid of the smell. Thank you

  5. jf
    jf says:

    I tried your way this evening. mostly followed your steps. Changed a little bit. I boiled it until fully cooked then fried in pan with about 5 minutes. put wine, soy souse, sugar, vinegar. taste was good. Thanks for sharing your recipe.

  6. Cindy McCampbell
    Cindy McCampbell says:

    Hi! By the time this video was done I my mouth was watering!! I really love you channel!!! The information you give in your videos is always above and beyond most!! I don't comment very often on anyone's channels but I just wanted to let you know your videos are highly appreciated!! Your bread videos are awesome!!! I have one question on this video. Most Asian ribs are cut very differently than say American style ribs. Where do you get the ribs you cook? I really want to make these. My husband isn't much of a rib person but I really think he would love these!!! I would appreciate if you would let me know where I can get the ribs!!

  7. t
    t says:

    you know why you got so much scum? because first you was totally wrong to blanch the ribs in hot water.

    for all meat, blanch it in cold water until boiling


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