How to make carrot dogs, frugal and tasty.

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I had heard about these a while back but I was really unsure about the concept, how could a carrot taste like a hot dog but when …

4 replies
  1. jeannie mullinder
    jeannie mullinder says:

    I think I would grate the carrots, add all the other ingredients (possibly add an egg to bind) then form into burgers before frying and serving in a burger bun. The concept is the same but would make sure they were cooked through and also only using one source of energy. Another thought, place grated mixture with fried onions added, in a dish and top with mashed potato, grated cheese and brown under the grill ??

  2. Kerry Neylan
    Kerry Neylan says:

    Mayo, ,mustard, onions and relish. Ketchup is the work of the devil. I think you can also make a vegan smoked salmon using carrots too.Some things are nor just about cost but also scarcity or in some cases abundance. Thanks for sharing.


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