How to Make Cannabis Lotion (Arthritis Balm – Organic Pain Cream)

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In this tutorial, we will show you how to infuse cannabis with various types of oils, to make your own “Arthritis Balm”. This topical …

39 replies
  1. Cruz Cruz
    Cruz Cruz says:

    I want to make a balm but still learning about cannabis, doesn't it seem like too much cannabis vs oil? Do I have to wash it first? The video shows water used to remove impurities? Also just want it for calming and pain purposes don't want to smoke it and would rather use balm but how much per oil/cannabis ratio will work here?

  2. John Deveau
    John Deveau says:

    This recipe is very expensive using all these ingredients, emu oil is not cheap and it has got great ratings on its own for pain relief, I personally don't buy this recipe. There is no scientific proof that is 100% that cannabis works to heal pain.

  3. Head dragon David Austin Simmons
    Head dragon David Austin Simmons says:

    I'm Adam Das moglee Cain alladan Joseph Achilles Ishmael Moses Isaiah gidian Jesus of generations reborn February 24 1975 die 12 25 30 and all doctoring people that covet other people family die 8 25 31 Buddha born mian lord February 24 1975 I'm born again with u guys guys I'm going to heaven fly away fuck u people my father left me with u

  4. Zeng Weiwei
    Zeng Weiwei says:

    I ordered the knee patches for my husband. After wearing the patches for a week his comment was; I am so glad you ordered the patches for me. He’s a happy camper. I strongly recommend them on behalf of my husband after seeing him with a smile😊

  5. Dreamer
    Dreamer says:

    Trying to get some good pain relief for my mother and broken arm they cannot operate on her and she's in a lot of pain all the time in the opiates don't seem to well both can use it

  6. David Gillman
    David Gillman says:

    Medicinal Cannabis is a medical necessity for all those of us who and seriously ill with a multitude of chronic medical conditions and cancers and have been consuming metabolically poisonous Vegetable seed extracted cooking oils in our diets. The solution is to go Vegan and take medical-grade polyvalent cannabis supplementation until you are better while getting all vegetable oils out of your diet. You can use some polysaturated animal-based fats/oils, that are in all animal products if you are not quite so worried about living as long as reasonably possible while remaining perfectly healthy. The logic and the references are all in my 75-page booklet which I can email you. Request at email:

  7. James West
    James West says:

    I,m just curious I have severe bone and joint pain throughout my body. How much would this cost to make that cup of cream ?
    Is this an affordable option for most people. Not sure but would imagine that bag of weed was expensive ?
    Thanks so much for your help.

  8. Tripping on Rocks
    Tripping on Rocks says:

    Awesome video, you explain things so well and easy to follow. A trick I do to take out the guessing game with the wax is to tap a drop or two out onto the bench, it cool down fast and you can check what consistency it will be before cooling the whole batch down.


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