How to Make Beef Stew in a Slow Cooker : Preparing Stews: Tips & Tricks

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23 replies
  1. gary hurdiss
    gary hurdiss says:

    I used stew meat and im still pumping, i just cooked it well ie manier hr in cooker. The guys just a ball bag talking drab. And as for salt and pepper bore the fuck off u redkneck sausge taker wow 🤣🤣 guy sounds like he had a few dodge ball beer cans too 🙄🙌🏻 and ps, fuck off with the erm, erm ,erm,ahh, ahh, so annoying

  2. Victor Taylor
    Victor Taylor says:

    I know he's a chef and I'm not but there's a couple of things that don't make sense. Where's the thickener? Why add extra water? Liquid in a slow cooker doesn't boil off in my experience. Why add fresh herbs? Dry is better in a slow cooker. This video contradicts many of the basic slow cooker guidelines that I've previously read or heard about. I would've liked to see the final product.

  3. Dazzletoad
    Dazzletoad says:

    How about adding measurements and explaining your stock after you disparage those who just 'throw everything in together' whilst claiming it's 'not a good idea.'

    Being precise means explaining stuff logically including how much of what your using.

  4. J Loren
    J Loren says:

    Sheep whooone! BEEF! Shtepppp tawhooo! Kewk! …. It’s a fucking slow cooker man. Give me a freaking break! Warm spot in the slow cooker who gives a fuck? The hell is wrong with people? You can’t find anything more idiot proof than a modern slow cooker!

  5. A White
    A White says:

    Shocking. So outdated and wrong.

    Don't cut up your meat into "bite sized" chunks. You will end up with shrivelled bullets or it will disappear.

    How dare he slam beef producers by saying "It may not be beef".

    Far too much liquid.

    Just disappointing. Home cooks know better than this.

  6. Wild West Unlimited
    Wild West Unlimited says:

    What happened? Did you run out of production money? Why did the video just END at about half way? You're not going to put in any of the other vegetables or tomato paste or sauce? what about the other spices? What does it look like when it's done? We didn't get to see that because your video ENDED before the cook was over. Thumbs down on this one.


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