How to make authentic “VIVA MEXICO” MENUDO rojo | Villa Cocina

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menudo #mexicanfood #villacocina This authentic Mexican menudo recipe screams “viva Mexico” in every flavor and component …

28 replies
  1. Able Lock
    Able Lock says:

    I like the fact that you’re honest and full open about your situation with your diabetes. I am a diabetic myself a type two I have a hard time trying to find things that are good to eat and that still taste good not as much as it was in the beginning when I first discovered this is it now that I can’t find things it’s just finding new recipes that taste good, but yet keep the carbs down so that the A1c stays down I appreciate the fact of knowing someone like yourself that is a good cook and chef and have went to school to learn how to cook so that I can get special recipes from you that I have great flavors and I look forward to following your videos as you go through your challenges in life. Thanks so much with all your Share.

  2. Hollis H
    Hollis H says:

    I am so sorry you have to deal with this health issue. I have two auto-immune issues, and they are a forever problem! Bless you for continuing to share your special foods with us! You might want to suggest these diabetes-positive recipes as such.

  3. Hollis H
    Hollis H says:

    Can you please give a time estimate on toasting the chilies, etc. I have a very damaged sense of smell, and they could easily burn before I smell them! EEEKKKK! Thanks so much.

  4. Rikki Montero
    Rikki Montero says:

    Greetings from Seattle Rosana and Nelson! Looks so delicious. I would need to cool it down to let the oil and fat solidify for easy removal and add hominy. I guess this version doesn’t have hominy

  5. Art Gomez
    Art Gomez says:

    I was watching one of your episodes and saw your CGM. My 11 yo was diagnosed with T1D in Oct 2021, after going into DKA and having to be “Life Flighted” to Children’s Hospital. Anyway, glad you’re adjusting and sharing your experience. My son and I read your blog post on your diagnosis story, he perked up when he read you had a similar story. Thank you for your recipes and for sharing this part of your life. God bless!

  6. Michael Norman
    Michael Norman says:

    Thank you for sharing this recipe. I’ve always loved Menudo but never made it. I’ve been watching your channel for several years and Have made a number of your recipes. I’m looking forward to making this. Also I’m sorry about your condition and I thank you very much for continuing your work And sharing that part of your life with us. It creates authenticity and honesty, and it’s a nice reminder that we are all going through something. It’s nice to see good comfort foods can be on the healthier side.

  7. Linda Lewis
    Linda Lewis says:

    I love how your recipes include all edible parts of the animal. This shows respect for the animal giving their life. I've only had Menudo once, but loved it. But the only way to get it is to ask one of my Mexican friends to make it. Now I can try to make it myself! I'll have to freeze it in single serving sizes though. 😅
    The full story about your condition is relatable to me. I don't have Type 1 diabetes but type 2. I wasn't diagnosed until I was 40, though, and enough damage was done to my pancreas that I was (and still am) also insulin resistant. After 20 years I now wear a continuous glucose monitor in hopes to steady my numbers, lower my A1c and possibly get an insulin pump. I have 3 of the four things important to you. Prayer, good diet, great water intake. But due to several spinal conditions and diseases, exercise is extremely limited. I can only due light swimming (but have no access to a pool) and walking (which the distance length is limited). I'll be having 2 spine surgeries next year and hope the exercise limitations improve. 🙏 I'm also sending prayers to you that you'll always have full control of your condition. 🙏 I love, love, love many of your recipes and, of course, adore seeing Nelson. I look forward to your authentic recipes that are slightly adjusted to cater to diabetics. Thank you for being you. You're really special. 👍❤️

  8. David Dinkha
    David Dinkha says:

    Read your story and much love to you and your husband. Strongest healing is family and the angles among us. True believer of the Lord. Also thank you for the recipes you share with us. I still make your salsa recipe.

  9. 1p6t1gms
    1p6t1gms says:

    You are most certainly right about breakfast, lunch and dinner… When working in my youth we much preferred this on Saturday morning work days over a box of doughnuts. It gives you good energy for the day and removed any cobwebs leftover from the previous night. Maybe I should try to make your recipe, the one we would pick up on Sat. was quite red and now I know the difference.

  10. RainCoffeeandBooks
    RainCoffeeandBooks says:

    Rossana, your menudo looks delicious, but then all your dishes do! My dad is from Jalisco, Mexico. He's 93, almost 94, and been living with type 2 for many, many years. Now my daughter and I take care of him. We've changed what we eat, how we eat, how often we eat all to help him, but because YOU and Nelson have inspired us. I only use avocado oil, and olive oil, the kinds I see next to your stove. You are amazing and you're both such a blessing to anyone who watches your channel. We'll be praying for you, and Nelson. 😘

  11. Tanuki
    Tanuki says:

    This looked incredibly good and just the kind of food that’s good for your soul. Love seeing you and Nelson together – makes me happy and gets me smiling ear to ear ❤❤❤

  12. Lee Doss
    Lee Doss says:

    I used to have a Mexican friend I worked with in the West Texas oil fields some 40 years ago.
    He also owned a hamburger place that made menudo on Sundays.
    It was really good as well as the hamburgers.
    The whole family worked their tails off and I was proud to be their friend.

  13. PlasmaStorm73 [N5EVV]
    PlasmaStorm73 [N5EVV] says:

    Delicious. I've been making menudo for a long time, almost the same recipe just a few small differences.. Also I wanted to mention, I have a friend who has a liver condition where her liver makes alcohol and makes her drunk. She was constantly accused of being an alcoholic even though she didn't drink. Eventually they discovered it was all her liver causing the problems. If you are interested in her story, check out Sara Lefebvre. She did several interviews with the news media about her very rare ccndition. She's a good friend of mine from Connecticut.


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