How to Make Applesauce in the Instant Pot Plus a FREE Printable Label

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33 replies
  1. Morgan Williams
    Morgan Williams says:

    Hi Lisa, Do you know how to actually can goods with your mason jars so you can store them in your pantry like you would for jarred/canned goods? I know there are certain steps for that. I would love to do this for things like applesauce, homemade pasta sauces, and other things you'd normally get store bought.

  2. Kristina Erickson
    Kristina Erickson says:

    I would recommend getting the Pampered Chef apple peeler, corer, slicer. Use that, then put in the Instant pot. Super easy and quicker than the food mill. Plus kids love using it because of the spiral apple it creates.

  3. jukes243
    jukes243 says:

    Okay. I followed your instructions to the T. But, after 30 minutes when I released the valve, it spewed apple juice all over my kitchen cabinets, counter tops, and floor. What a sticky mess. What should've taken 30 minutes ended up taking 2 hrs. And, all that for 1+ 3/4 pints! Evidently, the 3 qt. IP doesn't work the same as the 6 qt. IP. lol (And yes, I only filled it to the fill-line. And, I only used 1/2 c. water. However, I did peel and core my apples before putting them in the IP). Another day, I'll give it another try. Right now, I'm just too mentally fatigued. lol Oh, I added cinnamon, cloves, fresh lemon (and also fresh ginger) zest, to my applesauce. Delicious!

  4. Shelley Rankin
    Shelley Rankin says:

    i love your channel. I found it a few weeks ago. Thanks for sharing all of your knowledge. I love all of your videos. a little off topic but would you share what software you use to edit your videos. they are so well done. thanks again. I bought wide mouth jars yesterday and plan to make Kefir and sourdough starter. All learned here and inspired by you!

  5. Gail’s Bookish Things
    Gail’s Bookish Things says:

    You will be tired of hearing from me but I’m on a roll with reorganizing my home before starting back to school on Monday. 😉 So….can you recommend a good quality, durable food processor? The one i had broke. 😬Thanks.

  6. Gail’s Bookish Things
    Gail’s Bookish Things says:

    Hi Lisa…i noticed your link goes to the 6 qt size instant pot…do you have any thoughts on the vs the 8qt size? We still have 9 people at home and I’m wondering if the larger size is worth it or necessary?

  7. Paul and Melissa Cunningham
    Paul and Melissa Cunningham says:

    I would love to know more about herb gardening or just gardening in general. I don't know if that's something you and your family does? Might be a fun series though…how to do indoor/outdoor growing, growth and care progress, harvesting, canning/drying/cooking, then what — like the whole cycle, snippets of which we get to see in your videos as time progresses.


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