How to make a turkey pot pie

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit Enjoy one of the more common comfort foods there is to enjoy, Turkey pot pie. I learned how to make turkey pot pie on my own …

10 replies
  1. Pepper 1099
    Pepper 1099 says:

    Hello, you have some good ideas and techniques, for your pie recipe. However I encourage you to read the label on that condensed soup. It is loaded with ingredients that will contribute to declining health. With one fairly simple added step of getting out a sauce pan and making a simple white sauce with flavoring you can get rid of the canned soup. A little butter, flower, milk/cream, and spice (thicken it up with some time and heat) will replace that "Illuminati-made" canned soup. You seem like a nice guy; so I wanted to let you know of the danger you face eating that soup.

  2. stonegateaccent
    stonegateaccent says:

    I'm just learning to cook and want to thank you for posting this.  You explained how to make this well and really gave a good presentation when putting it all together.  Thank you.


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