How to Make a One Pot Ground Beef Company Worthy Meal

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One Pot,Ground Beef,Company Worthy Meal! 4 pieces of bacon chopped and cooked well. Take bacon out and drain grease.

43 replies
  1. Rosalee Bloss
    Rosalee Bloss says:

    For someone who has behaved themselves eating a good share of their lives, this would be a great dish. I, on the other hand, have not eaten as I should have and have many health problems. This would be too rich for my doctor-ordered diet. Sorry about that.

  2. Kathy Rama
    Kathy Rama says:

    I am from WV, now live in MS, I break pasta, it fits the pot better. This, I believe would be larripen with a salad and garlic bread. I love one pot or a skillet meal. So happy I found you!!!!!

  3. Deborah Parker
    Deborah Parker says:

    Found your channel and started watching. You've just gotten started and I've got to report a crime!! You threw away liquid gold. How could you? If you didn't need all that bacon grease, that's ok. But for heaven's sake save it. It is a pure crime to cooking flavors everywhere to be wasting it like that. It's perfect to cook your eggs in, to season green beans, black eyed peas, greens. Have you ever had a wilted lettuce salad? It's usually iceberg lettuce, sprinkled with a little sugar then you ladle a bit of hot bacon grease over it and mix. You can add tomatoes and onions (I often put my sliced onions in with my lettuce). If you want you can add a splash of vinegar, your favorite kind, starting with a half a teaspoon going up as needed. The vinegar, too, I may have sprinkled on my lettuce before adding the bacon grease. You don't need much of the grease. All salad dressings have an oil in them. In this case it's just hot bacon grease. (Because even at room temp it would be solidifying.). Old medical lore told us that animal fat was bad for us. That's not what they are saying any more. You talked about the flavor bacon brings so spread the wealth. Is the butter you cook your eggs in any better. No. Depending on what kind of Cow the milk came from it could be much worse. And I don't mean organic vs non-organic.
    Anyway, I'm back to the video to see this company worthy ground beef dish. But I'm already confused. You said you wanted some of that bacon grease but then you slurped it all up with a paper towel and threw it away. I'll go see what happens next.

  4. Lynn Warren
    Lynn Warren says:

    I just realized this video is a year old. Haha
    I made it today, doubled the recipe, and am taking it to a family for dinner. I have sampled the dish with the provolone on top. Yummy!! Will add cheese closer to dinner

  5. Deb Diehl
    Deb Diehl says:

    Definitely going to make this. Once a month my church has "soup Sunday", but meals other than soups are happily welcomed.
    My biggest takeaways?
    1. Paper towel to get extra bacon grease out…brilliant.
    2. It's time I start using my dehydrator more, makes prep so simple.
    Thanks again, God bless!

  6. Blessed & Blooming Homestead
    Blessed & Blooming Homestead says:

    Hi Darlene. I’m a new subscriber and looking through some of your videos. I found that after I watched one of your videos, it felt like seeing an old friend that I hadn’t seen in a while. This recipe looks delicious, thank you. Many Blessings to you and yours.

  7. jean massey
    jean massey says:

    I need this in my tummy very soon with a big green salad! Is that a potpourri of sorts sitting in the pan on your stove? I kept waiting for it to become a dessert, but then I realized it was most likely there for the scent.

  8. Tammy Jeanneret
    Tammy Jeanneret says:

    I am a new subscriber from Whipporwill Holler Channel and I have fallen in love with your channel. This recipe is on my menu for Tues. night for my son and granddaughter coming over for supper. It looks so good. All of your recipes look good. Thank you!

  9. JoAnn Parker
    JoAnn Parker says:

    Looks delicious! I break spaghetti all the time! And it doesn’t hurt anything! I’ve heard that you aren’t supposed to break it. Why, I don’t know. I won’t add the sour cream because I don’t like it.

  10. ohredbrd
    ohredbrd says:

    New subscriber from Miss Lori @ Whipperwill Holler channel. I gotta tell you, you had me with this recipe when it was still stovetop, but wowzer, the cheese, bacon and oven took it over the top. Im officially drooling, and I already had supper lol! God bless you. Shirley.


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