How to make a Hearty Beef Stew | MyHealthyDish

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41 replies
  1. MyHealthyDish
    MyHealthyDish says:

    Save my recipe for Beef Stew! This hearty stew is a perfect Fall recipe for those cold evenings. Start with cubing 1.5 – 2 pounds of Beef Chuck Roast, season with 1/2 tbsp of salt, 1 tbsp of Worcestershire and 2 tbsps of flour to coat all the beef. In an large pot heat 2 tbsp of avocado oil on medium heat high heat and sear the beef a few minutes on each side to form a crust. You most likely have to sear the steak half at a time to not over crowd the pot. Remove the beef and add another tbsp of oil, 1 cup chopped onions, 2 cups chopped celery and 4 minced garlic cloves. Cook on low heat for a few minutes and then add a sprinkle of oregano and 2 tbsps of tomato paste. Cook for a few minutes before adding 32oz’s of beef stock. Cover with a lid for 30 minutes. Lastly add 2 cups sliced carrots and 4 quartered yellow potatoes, 2 cups of water and 1 tbsp of salt

  2. Cheryl Anderson
    Cheryl Anderson says:

    This is pretty much how I make it too, but rather than adding Worcestershire, I lightly caramelize the onion, carrots celery & add S & P to the meat, & toss a while, then dredge chunks in flour, (which also has S&P). Add after the beef sits a while.

    I prefer meat chunks which are cut larger, so I can sear them well on all sides. This creates more "fond", so when I add the water, a brown broth is created. No need for commercial flavorings of canned broth or Worcestershire, unless it tastes too bland, even after it has been cooking for a while.I also add 3 bay leaves when I add the water.

    Some wine can be good to bump it up a notch in flavor, & it also tenderizes, so could be used as a marinade, along with some Olive oil, garlic & herbs, overnight in the fridge.

    It's a great time of the year to make beef stew so I have been thinking about making some.

    When I learned to cook, beef stewing chunks, usually Chuck, cost much less than the other cuts of beef. Now stew meats are almost as much per # as nice steaks.

  3. Tina Howard
    Tina Howard says:

    ❤️Alcohol free??? Seriously? You do realize that the alcohol cooks off, don’t you? That’s one of the first things you learn in culinary school. The red wine is alcohol free by the time that dish is done. You keep cooking like that and you’re never gonna know what it’s really supposed to taste like. And NEVER USE COOKING WINE! It best to used cheap drinking wine. But you need to understand how alcohol cooks off food. You can tell the alcohol is still in it by the bubbles. Tiny millions of bubbles mean it’s still in there, while the big rolling ones show that it’s cooked all the alcohol out. You’re missing out on the taste of chef prepared food vs plain plain Jane. Just try it on a small recipe, you’ll see how much you’ve been missing out on.❤️

  4. Eva Chrobot
    Eva Chrobot says:

    Looks awesome and amazing would love to make this but I'm disabled and not able to cook or not allowed to because I might burn myself but it really looks delicious but I'm going to save it on my tablet thank you for sharing ❤❤😂😊😊😅❤😂😊😊❤😂😊😊


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