How to Keep a Stash of Chocolate Chip Cookies for On-Demand Baking | Today's Special

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Sometimes you just want to treat yourself to some freshly baked cookies. Ashley Moore shows you how to keep a stash of …

35 replies
  1. Robert Sterner
    Robert Sterner says:

    I made a bunch of holiday cookie dough ahead last year and did this portioning and storing in the freezer thing and I might have had significantly fewer cookies to give to friends than I'd planned on.

  2. Richie C
    Richie C says:

    I always make extra cookie dough so I can do this. Plus it's cool to pop a few in the oven if you have visitors etc. But what I do is dump all the dough into a gallon freezer bag, flatten it out with a roller (usually ends up around half an inch thick), then put it in the refrigerator until it firms up. Then I stick a knife in the bag and slice the sides open so I can lift the bag off like a lid, then cut the dough into uniform squares, then slide them all in a new freezer bag. Since they were formed in a freezer bag they fit perfectly and take up very little space in the freezer – you can stack anything on top of it, like more cookie dough lol

  3. pistol80
    pistol80 says:

    I just started doing this same thing with buttermilk biscuits. I used the Ultimate Buttermilk Biscuit recipe from ATK, froze the uncooked dough squares, then put them in a freezer bag. You pretty much have on demand biscuits. Pop 1-2 biscuits into the toaster oven at 400F until golden brown. Did this last night and they were delicious.

  4. Rojer Grison
    Rojer Grison says:

    I just roll my cookie dough into a log form then wrap and freeze it , slice it while frozen with a good chefs knife , chocolate chip can be a bit of a challenge but usually can make it work.

  5. David Moore
    David Moore says:

    I'm sorry but you totally missed it. That cookie dough would be gone in one night. The only way you're going to keep cookie dough around long enough to have it ready when guests drop by and not have it eaten by your family in the first day is to either not have a family, or find that not so sweet spot that the cookie dough is bad enough your family won't eat it, but isn't so bad that your guest's politeness overcomes their urge to throw up.

  6. 112Famine
    112Famine says:

    I live alone, I do THIS with everything. It's good when you marinade meat, bag both, freeze the meat & marinade, & when you take it out to defrost, & the liquid helps defrost by transferring cold away & warmth into meat.

  7. adterpandrea
    adterpandrea says:

    I'm not sure how to trust someone with a freezer that is COMPLETELY empty and immaculately clean! Do they even eat???
    (For people like the below replier… THIS IS A JOKE! Obviously they are using a clean and empty freezer for the video. DUH!)

  8. John Fox
    John Fox says:

    We find it pretty easy to bake all the cookies and then use vacuum bags to freeze them. It's pretty easy to grab a bag of 4 or 6, let them sit for 5 minutes, and then eat. Or pop them in the microwave if you want a warm one.

    Works great for oatmeal raisin and sugar cookies also.


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