How to Go Plant-Based in 2023 (+ Beyond) | 6 Powerful Tips

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9 replies
  1. Jennifer Kaczynski
    Jennifer Kaczynski says:

    Love your video. I was plant based for 5 years, but for the last 2, I've been more off than on. I know it's healthier but…i like cheese, it's too hard, ect .when you said think of how you'll be in 5 years resonated.

  2. Eydie Garcelon
    Eydie Garcelon says:

    Peter…. this is such a great video! It goes perfectly with my quote for 2023. I always pick a saying or quote for the year, and just the other day, I picked mine for next year. "2023 for ME!" We are the only one's that can do it, we are WORTH it!!! We HAVE to take care of ourselves, so we can be our best for others!!! So this was great. Start setting things up, planning now, get prepped now, so we are ready for lift off January 1st, or better yet…. start now, so we are well on our way by then!!!
    As for the fridge, I already swapped things up! I put all of my fruits and veggies on the shelves, and my husbands meats and cheeses, go in the drawers!!!! 🙂

  3. beepbeepnj
    beepbeepnj says:

    Dr. Leila Denmark would never approve of your plant type diet. She started out as a scientist and helped invent the Pertussis vaccine and then treated over 250,000 patients with a faultless exemplary track record and lived in good health for 114 years and has 15 awards and honors to her name. Your credentials and track record are zero. She had a better diet and health advice.

  4. Laura Rhodes
    Laura Rhodes says:

    I went plant based at Easter a couple years ago (but I allowed myself to finish my chocolate eggs until they were gone). I found success making the change all at once, rather than slowly. The plan was to trial it for one month and see whether I felt better. I did! I felt so much better in my body. My sleep, moods, indigestion, energy levels all improved. That was the motivation I needed to continue. It took 6 months for my new normal to be established and there were definitely some digestive side effects at first. I think that if I'd made the change slowly, I wouldn't have noticed the body changes and realised that it was for me. I recommend consulting your doctor and a dietitian to make sure you are getting the right nutrients and increasing your water intake to help process the fibre increase.

  5. Amallama
    Amallama says:

    "know your why" – yasssss, it's SO important! It's how I stopped eating meat without a shred of difficulty or regret. I had tried to go vegan a few times in the past, but I wasn't solid on my why and so I eventually gave up because it was so hard. But once I found my reason, and felt it to my core, it was truly the easiest thing to change. I had avoided watching documentaries that highlight animal cruelty because I was like "yes, I know, I already care so I don't need to see it". I accidentally saw one with some of that in it (not a lot, but enough) and I really felt the horrors as an extension of my own habits. I care enough about that to want to stop putting money into that system, and so I have. Do I remember that bacon tastes awesome? Sure! But I'm no longer willing to sacrifice a very literal life, or pay for those horrors, for 10 seconds of a flavor.

  6. Adele Adams
    Adele Adams says:

    The suggestion to put vegetables where you can see them in the refrigerator is a fantastic idea. Just simplifies getting the vegetables out of the refrigerator. I moved some less often used foods to the drawers 🙂


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