How To Go 100% Vegan – Why Are You Going Vegan? For Health, The Animals, The Planet Or All Three.

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Dr. Klaper shares his heartfelt thoughts on how to go 100% vegan. Firstly, ask yourself: why are you going vegan? Is it for health, …

20 replies
  1. springbird21
    springbird21 says:

    Thank You thank you! I’ve been practicing since 2018… it started Bc of cholesterol but now it’s about the animals; I even dreamt last night & preached about our cruelty to the animals; I was talking aloud in my sleep… I met you many years ago @ Dr. McDougall’s 3 day event in Santa Rosa… thank you again

  2. Kenz300 x
    Kenz300 x says:

    You are what you eat. Your diet impacts your health.
    Lower stress, reduce obesity and more exercise are key to a healthy life.
    Obesity in children and adults is rising across the world.
    Fast food and sugary drinks are contributing to the problem of poor health and obesity.
    Eat a healthy plant based diet and exercise regularly.
    Reduce or ELIMINATE cows milk, eggs, cheese and meat. Eat more salad greens, beans, fruit and vegetables. Eliminate fast food, snacks like cookies, cakes, chips, and sugary drinks and juices.
    Every adult and child should own a bicycle and ride it regularly.
    Regular exercise will help you sleep better. Yoga is a great stress reducer.
    Obesity is all too common today. Get off the couch. Get off the phone, ipad or video game.
    A variety of stretching and other exercises help with increased mobility.
    Ride to work, ride to school, ride for fun.
    Every city should be a bicycle city.
    Speak up for bicycles in your community

  3. Kenz300 x
    Kenz300 x says:

    Go vegan for your health, whole food plant based.
    Go vegan for the animals.
    Go vegan for the planet.
    A lower risk of heart disease and cancer for you and a better planet for everyone, human and animals.
    Eating healthy is not a diet it is a healthy life style.

  4. PantaMeowMeow. S.
    PantaMeowMeow. S. says:

    I don't even talk about it, I'm not 100%, but I used to get a lot of weird looks. Most everyone from my school days are obese. I'm not only not obese, I'm very fit. When I've talked about LFPB to people trying to lose, turn back their DMII…,they usually said their doctors ordered them to do…

  5. It's Jordan Innit
    It's Jordan Innit says:

    Going vegan for your health isn’t going vegan. It’s going plant-based.

    I feel this is an important distinction to make because there’s so much confusion around veganism.

    Veganism is an ethical position. It’s not an environmental or health position.

  6. Bronwyn Evans
    Bronwyn Evans says:

    "My big Mac makes a difference". We are so intertwined into this violence. We have to stop. We have to be an example. We have to speak out. Such a beautiful summation, Dr. Klaper. Thank you.

  7. John Doe
    John Doe says:

    Healthy veganism – the greatest gift that the world at large hasn't been able to fully hear or receive yet.

    Yet… we have to keep trying. I still sadly often choose to avoid the term vegan with non-vegans (because of divisions and stereotyping still strong in some places). That works better, if prejudice or bigotry exists, and so to not inflame relationships.

    But, in 'plant based' conversations and example, healthy veganism is my internal longing for them, and our world.

  8. Marcy
    Marcy says:



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