How To Get Smells Out Of Your Instant Pot

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Just washing your Instant Pot with soap and water doesn’t get all the food smells out. Today I’m sharing how I get those nasty smells out of my instant pot.

30 replies
  1. Jodene Antonson
    Jodene Antonson says:

    I want to thank you for this tip. The vert first meal we cooked in our I instant pot was delicious and fun to make. However, I couldn't get the scent of the sauce out of the seal and the tomatoes we used left a faint stain on it. I was looking and found your method. It worked like a charm! The stain came out of the seal as well as the scent! I didn't have a lemon on hand so I used a 1/2 cup of bottled lemon juice.

  2. Clara Derrick
    Clara Derrick says:

    I just put my lid upside down after a deep cleaning. Let the air take that vintager smell out. You should store your kid upside down when not in use as well. I put a hand bathroom towel over the lid when it’s upside down on top of the pot. That way no little critters can get into it. I bought little bungie cord to keep it tight on there as well so the critters can’t get into it.

  3. Molly Smith
    Molly Smith says:

    Love this tip! Normally I put my lid upside down outside on a sunny day to get solar cleaning too. That isn't always available though. Like you, I have extra rings for foods that just can't have any savoury smells added. Thank you!

  4. Higgybee
    Higgybee says:

    That is a good way to clean the Instant Pot. Another way I keep the ring from smelling is to always keepthe lid off when not in use. I find if you close the pot up when not in use the smell just lingers

  5. Jane Martin
    Jane Martin says:

    The new Instant Pot Ultra (the 6 qt. with the knob on front) automatically resets to seal when you replace the lid–you don't have to remember to set it each time. It costs more but if you haven't purchased one yet it is something to consider.

  6. Kelli
    Kelli says:

    Can you use Apple Cider Vinegar? I know most of the time the version of vinegar doesn't matter, but it's all I have at the moment, also I don't have an actual lemon, would pure lemon juice work too? mine smells horrible of onions even though I wash the ring & lid 2-3 times, air dry it and put the lid on upside down so it's not fully closed. just can't get rid of the onion smell.and it is just the lid that stinks the pot itself always smells clean after I wash it

  7. Andi R
    Andi R says:

    thought you would appreciate knowing that our Walmart has in lots of Lemon/Lemonade décor in their inexpensive spring décor section. Thanks for this tip, mine smells like Cajan chicken.


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