How to find a place for everything!

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Spiral Bound Bundt Cake Book ($100 *should arrive before Christmas!): Spiral …

42 replies
  1. @anndjohnson7255
    @anndjohnson7255 says:

    That was great, Dawn! I was decluttering my belts, bathroom cupboard, organized my son's stuff in tote for him to take his items when he visits, brushed the dog, and put items in tote for donation! Thanks for the length of your post.
    I'm on a roll now! ~GRINNING~

  2. @donnamiller4630
    @donnamiller4630 says:

    Thank you! And to the lady that asked about moving furniture around, my dad says "There are only 4 walls in a room, so what does it hurt to move it around?" I move stuff constantly and it makes my husband so upset.

  3. @Erin78G
    @Erin78G says:

    Asking at the beginning of listening to replay…how do we keep from getting discouraged when it’s taking a long time to get to the place where you feel like everything has a place and it’s easy to clean up?

  4. @Ann-vr1qr
    @Ann-vr1qr says:

    I was the one that got grandma's second set of China (large family). Since I don't have an kids, I gave my Target dishes away and now use the China as my everyday dishwear. And every time I pull out a plate or bowl I think of holidays and special occasions at my grandparents house. ❤

  5. @ellie448
    @ellie448 says:

    Dawn my husband keeps getting job offers from his job to transfer to Saint Paul. We would never to cold BUT I was like “we could live closer to Dawn!!!” He’s laughed so hard. He’s like she’s not your BFF I’m like but she is she just doesn’t know who I am 🤣♥️ 😂 lol We had a good laugh. I don’t know how you do the cold/winter! I was googling it just for research and I was like no way 😳🤣

  6. @ellie448
    @ellie448 says:

    She said you can get 2x as much done in the all day declutter as you can on your own NO WAY! You can get EASY 5x or 10x more done in the all day declutter then you can on your own. It’s wild. BUT you have to plan. Premake a quick breakfast, lunch and dinner, sleep good the night before have supplies ready. But whoa the amount of stuff people gets rid of is WILD. Blows my mind every time.

  7. @lowcarbmom32
    @lowcarbmom32 says:

    When I first heard "homeless clutter" I assumed something else… and I was so excited to hear what you had to say! It's okay, though lol. In this season of my life, my family is "doubled up" with family which is considered "legally homeless" in my state even with a roof over our heads. It's temporary and the goal is to continue to stay minimal and decluttered even after our situation stabilizes. Currently, though, the lack of space makes it so minimalism is essentially survivalism. I get rid of so much yet still constantly feel like I have too much, when I think reality just dictates that we just don't really have the room to put even the little bit we have. I wish there was a way to manage both. Regardless, I love love love your videos… this one even though it wasn't what I thought, it definitely offered some helpful advice. Your videos are sooo relaxing and motivating and I always have your advice ringing in my head when I'm cleaning and decluttering!

    So, thank you for existing xD

    ??If you have any additional things to say on this particular season for someone when it comes to minimalism??– I think that would be super awesome! <3

  8. @hopeandtruth6108
    @hopeandtruth6108 says:

    Medications: I have a couple dollar tree bins that they are thrown into, and it's put away in a cabinet. One bin is stuff we don't use frequently (cough and cold stuff, pain meds, etc), and the other bin is everyday stuff. I've found it so easy to just "grab out the bin", take the day's pills out, put them back in, and it goes away in the cabinet.

  9. @jacqibelle
    @jacqibelle says:

    I definitely haven't been able to get on board with chore charts etc either

    Definitely use phone etc as a bargaining chip to chores

    Speaking of phone…hubby bought daughter a smart phone some time ago. She's 10. Thank goodness for Google family link. No way I'd be able to keep track of what she's doing with it otherwise.

    I keep trying to stash my evening medication…but realize if it's not visible in the upstairs bathroom I forget to take it so guess it shall stay out.

    We have a bunt cake pan
    Think we used it once so far
    Definitely want to use it more frequently

  10. @ourfamilyvideos7283
    @ourfamilyvideos7283 says:

    Mom passed 26 yrs ago,her mom left a few items…we carry around for years…we don’t use the items…finally, broken trashed…relief came but asking why we carry them (one item write on bottom this goes to so and so when I die”😟

  11. @tonyanorris6574
    @tonyanorris6574 says:

    Homeless clutter!!! Love it!
    5 yrs ago I moved in with my husband (4 1/2 yrs married), we combined two households. I have always been one to have a very simple home (everything has a spot and purpose) qnd my husband has a hard time letting go of things handed down to him from his family memebers. I even got rid of over half my stuff (had 2 br apt) as I knew my husband had a lot of the items (never seen his house as he lived 700+ mikes away [we had known eachother 20+ yrs] so his items was sight unseen!). I moved into his very full 5br house….oh my!!! I have spent all these yrs decluttering and organizing.
    Recently we got news and as result we are relocating back to my home town 700+ miles away. I am currently slowly packing up our house so I can sort through items and eliminate where I can including selling off over half our furniture. Man, even now 5 yrs later I am still finding so much stuff I had no clue was here!! I have discovered that we have a desk top computer , '3' laptops, '5' tablets. 5 pr of old prescription glasses (why?!). 3 wrist watches and I have never seen my husband wear a watch! If i have found 1 flashlight I have found 20! A whole other set of dishes up in the attic! I could go on and on!

    This is on top of the things i already knew we had thqt my husband cant let go yet. We have tubs of items that are never used, he has no interest t in using either. They are juat sentimental value. I dont pressure him to let go of the sentimental things but I dont let him take in any other senimental items either. (We literally have a 19" tv thats 30+ yrs old and a VCR that neither works because it was his grandmother's). I plan to get a wardrobe cabniet to store his sentimental items in one place and they must all fit in there or he will need to sort through. But they need their own place and only 1 place.
    Luckily we are moving, i am having to sort through the whole house. We have been selling and donating so much stuff!
    Now on the other hand, the reason we are moving is my moms health. She will be moving in with us, so another household coming into our home! However, we are giving her the master bedroom so she can have her needed stuff around her but not cluttered in. I have been selling off furniture and more cause we will be incorporating some of her house hold furniture and items into our home to help it feel more like her home too. I will be packing up her house, and selling and donating the stuff that is not coming into our home. Plus she has certian things tbat is going to certian family memebers as they have requested the items.
    With all this going on, i am happy we are making the move as it is allowing me to really sort through and eliminate and allows me to pull out things and give them a designated spot. What doesnt have a spot will be gotten rid of.
    My family has always said I am OCD but i dont feel i am, i just like things to look neat and tidy.

  12. @Sapientiam
    @Sapientiam says:

    So true. Postal offices everywhere are so busy this time of year. 📦 I'm decluttering sooooo much and preparing to move. I'm selling as much stuff as possible before renovating my apartment before putting it out for sale. So many want the stuff they buy shipped out and that makes me very much busy. It's highly stressful. Although I need the money that comes with it, so it makes kind of a bandaid. Christmas and new Years eve are not something that important to me so it's totally okay to spend time just selling stuff and packing my own stuff that I'll be bringing with me. It's a mess in my head and home at the moment, but the calm comes when ever this stuff gets out of my home 😅. At some point in time I'll have to give away several boxes with stuff that I cant/dont want to bring with me, but I'm already selling stuff that I had prepared to give away, which makes me feel good 😂. In these times when everything is and gets sooo expensive it becomes even more important to get money in from the clutter that I need to get out. Even though it's a hassle.. 😪☺️ I bet I'm not alone in wanting to sell rather than give it all away for free. Times are hard for so many these days and I dont think it will get better any time soon. Even so if it wasnt as bad I think a buffer would benefit most.

  13. @Skymouth
    @Skymouth says:

    I watch multiple different decluttering gurus, of course Cass too! Cannot tell you how many times I've gotten inspired to do a light decluttering or actually fold my laundry instead of letting it languish on the chair in a pile instead while watching ya'll! Can't believe how much stuff I've gotten rid of this past year thanks to ya'll keeping me held accountable!


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