How to Eat for $15 a Week! Walmart Extreme Grocery Budget Challenge | Inflation 2022 🥑 🛒

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Trying to shop a nutritious diet for one at Walmart with a very low grocery budget, including minimal pantry ingredients from home.

23 replies
  1. Kim Humphrey
    Kim Humphrey says:

    Hi😊 When you grabbed the can of pumpkin I thought that you were going to grab eggs next to make pumpkin French toast. That might actually be good too with some sweetened cream cheese spread on top.

  2. Tina Blair
    Tina Blair says:

    Good job.
    I usually eat 2 meals daily and 2 slices of bread is plenty for my appetite. I would make a batch of pumpkin butter and whip the cream cheese to make it go a little farther. It could be a nice snack or dessert even.
    The chick pea n avocado are great toppings imo. I love avocado toast with homemade Everything Bagel seasoning that I always have on hand.
    The chick peas can be mashed with some homemade mayo or caesar for a nice sandwich filling. I would have the caesar pasta cold for 2 or 3 of the lunches and get some eggs with the money I saved from getting just 1 bread. Tuna n egg pasta salad is my ultimate comfort food. Egg sandwiches or egg on avocado toast would offer more variety and be super satisfying to my palate!! I would also add some windowsill herbs and green onions liberally! The savory pumpkin pasta would be great with some sage, too!!
    Again I think that you did a super job and I have practically everything on hand to recreate your meals so I appreciate this extra!!

  3. SusieStyle
    SusieStyle says:

    I don’t know what time you went to Walmart but I was like wow! It’s so nice and not crowded! Our Walmart is insane, I would love to shop there but I can’t deal with the crowd in there. Loved seeing your recipes!

  4. Mrs. Peach "Thrify Living"
    Mrs. Peach "Thrify Living" says:

    The Tuna pasta sounds delicious! Have you ever used sesame seed oil? I just bought some for the first time, kind of expensive but a tiny bit goes a long way in flavor, I put it on my salad and it was a game changer for me…so delicious! I love your idea of the avocado and chick pea club sandwich too and your pumpkin/cream cheese toast! Love your channel!

  5. Lola Reh
    Lola Reh says:

    After watching the video, My first idea was to make a cold pasta salad out of that tuna and pasta and Caesar dressing. That would make a great lunch selection also. And don't forget avocado toast for breakfast. You sure don't need three pieces.

  6. Jane Adams
    Jane Adams says:

    Such Novel ideas! I love what you did with pumpkin – perfect for fall! The caesar fish pasta sounds Wow!!!! Thank you so much for sharing. Your nutritional choices on this budget are awesome.

  7. A Godly Home
    A Godly Home says:

    Great Job! The toast looked amazing! I am going to make my pasta salad with Caesar dressing next time maybe add a few black olives. I'm glad that you used elbows in this. They are underrated. But so many uses.

  8. Mona Minchau
    Mona Minchau says:

    One more suggestion for people with lots of freezer space: I buy all types of dry beans in bulk. Then I cook them in my slow-cooker and freeze them in small portions. It’s quite a bit cheaper than buying canned beans, and without the salt and chemicals.

  9. Mona Minchau
    Mona Minchau says:

    You are a genius 🙃! I would probably eat the pasta and tuna cold, possibly with celery if cucumber is not available. During pumpkin season I roast pumpkins in the oven. Then I scrape out the cooked flesh and freeze it in portions for use throughout the year. It’s cheap and might work for people with freezer chests, where space is less of an issue.

  10. Lifewithkym
    Lifewithkym says:

    I feel like you stretched $15 so far in this challenge. I would have to swap out a few things, because I’m vegan, but this is such a creative meal plan and I love the addition of canned pumpkin!


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