How to Deal With Picky Eaters and More Viewer Questions – Bone Broth, Cultured Dairy, and Ferments

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Welcome to Mary’s Nest! Want to learn How to Deal with Picky Eaters when serving Traditional Foods? Then join me today as I …

38 replies
  1. Terry C
    Terry C says:

    Hi Mary! HELP PLEASE! I am new to making homemade chicken stock. Case in point, I was preparing some chicken wings, previously frozen, today, and it occurred to me that the tips could go in for a stock BUT I wasn't ready, at that moment, to start one. Right now, those wing tips are bagged and in my freezer. Is this safe? There was still some ice crystals on the bottom of the foam tray when we were processing these and the tips went right back into the cold. I would like to be able to collect bits and freeze them until ready to make a stock but I also don't want to poison myself.

  2. Sherry Jee
    Sherry Jee says:

    Hi mary 👋 new subscriber 😀
    My husband is a picky eater, I'm a traditional cook and have always cooked for my family and taught my children to cook ( they're all adults now ) My new hubby hates vegetables and only likes processed's a bit frustrating trying to get him to eat right…he's just been diagnosed with pre diabetes so it's more of an issue now.

  3. McBee D
    McBee D says:

    Great Video Mary ! Loved that it was long. Don't watch TV so worth every minute to me. Don't like yogurt & cold day you know where for kombucha but other things I learn. Love you Mary. HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO YOU & YOURS ⛄❄️☃️🎄

  4. Anna Rodriguez
    Anna Rodriguez says:

    I am Polish and have seen my mother make so many ferments the same way as you described Mary. When she taught me to ferment pickles and sauerkraut none of it was exact. It was no fuss, simple, humble and delicious. Not only is it healthy but it brings me right back to my mama's table.

  5. Lori Skees
    Lori Skees says:

    This has been so helpful! I made Turkey bone broth after Thanksgiving and I used a cup of Chardonnay for the acid. (I think you suggested wine in a Facebook comment.) It turned out wonderful! I put it in the freezer and I plan to defrost it to drink on a daily basis. It is so satisfying and I love the bit of wine flavor. 2023 is going to be the year of intentional frequent ferments, bone broth and for the first time, homemade yogurt. I am visiting friends in central Texas right now (Buda, outside of Austin) and I was able to go to HEB. What a fabulous grocery! I am reading Nourishing Traditions right now and loving it. Thanks for all your knowledge and inspiration!

  6. S Miller
    S Miller says:

    My husband and I have different dietary needs. One of us is lower carb the other lower protein. I find a balanced simple meal works pretty well. We adjust our portions to our needs. He loves soups which are easy to make higher vegetable and lower carb. I find a half cup of barley (and I imagine farrow would work) makes a large pot of soup feel less "diet". Rice is tricky- very high glycemic- but a quarter cup serving (sounds so little but you'd be surprised!) of rice goes a long way when mixed with vegetables. The same in casseroles- up the vegetables and quarter the carbs. You don't miss it! Most people can eat vegetables, so I do my best to make them tasty. Traditional foods are very adaptable.

  7. Hannah
    Hannah says:

    What a sweet and lovely lady you are Mary ☺
    Thank you for bringing back neglected treasures, and helping people like others and myself become better in the kitchen. 🥰
    Enjoying this video with a cup of tea.

  8. Angela P
    Angela P says:

    Hi Mary! I’m vegan and I want to let you know it’s really not as hard as you think 🙂 I watch your videos to learn mostly about fermentation, and it’s been so very helpful! Honey is not eaten by most of us but it’s ok because there is molasses maple syrup agave rice syrup etc etc. No meat but there is lentils beans seitan soy etc etc. Veganism allows for absolute abundance and that is the one thing I wish everyone would understand. It is incredibly healthy! Thank you for teaching us all how to make the healthy version of things!! It is not a restriction to avoid animal products, it is an absolute joy to honour the other species on earth ❤

  9. B Hallmark
    B Hallmark says:

    I am one of those who is a bit sensitive to gluten, so I’m excited to try your sourdough to see if I can tolerate it.
    Thank you for taking the time to give such thorough explanations and information in this video…….😊………..❤️Brenda

  10. Laura 79
    Laura 79 says:

    This was a wonderful video. I cant wait to hear more about you personally. You seem so different to many people i know – genuinely kind, relaxed, positive, always smiling – i would love to know more about you and how you became who you are and you remain so positive❤ what are the things you do (or dont do) to be so joyful.
    i do think that carbs are very important – they are the main source of energy for our brains, so it is no wonder that people who eat low carb lack energy and can not perform as well – physically and mentally – thats why carbs are especially important for children. Human breast milk is very rich in carbohydrates. There is nothing more nourishing and satisfying than a good sourdough bread, homemade mashed potatoes or a hearty pasta dish. When you focus on real whole foods that are rich in nutrients, you do not require a lot of it to feel satisfied and nourished – as opposed to highly processed foods that seem to never satisfy us and leave us hungry and craving more only 30 min later.

  11. Hoosier Pioneer
    Hoosier Pioneer says:

    Mary, my ears perked up when you mentioned Adele Davis! My great aunt Vera worked for Adele typing for her books! I don't know what years but I'd guess 1920s or 1930s. I have 3 or 4 of her books and always say I'll read them someday. I think it's time I do.

  12. Nikki Sat
    Nikki Sat says:

    I wanted to email you about kefer. I bought kefer grains and it was not growing. And the few that I made, the taste was different than the organic bought kefer. Any advice?

  13. Denise Scull
    Denise Scull says:

    Hi Mary! I want you to know that I just enjoyed a nice cup of tea together over a cozy fireside chat with you. I particularly enjoyed your mother's way of dealing with picky eaters, well really I enjoyed the whole video. Thank you for sharing your wealth of information and I look forward to our visits.

  14. Dawnie Rotten
    Dawnie Rotten says:

    Why would anyone feed their kid(s) a 'low carb diet'?? That's nuts! Kids (SHOULD be) BURN(ing) energy, and therefore, need those carbs. Unless you have a FAT kid…..then one needs to STOP feeding them processed foods! As per Dr. (the most banned REAL doctor), worse than sugar are SEED OILS ( = DEATH!); the canola, veg, sunflower, corn, soy, peanut, cotton seed, palm oils are ALL HIGHLY TOXIC. And, in fact THEE #1 cause of America's OBESITY! The oils we SHOULD be using are (Organic) Grass-fed Ghee (EASY to make your own), Avocado oil, (Org) Extra Virgin Coconut oil, EVOO and a good quality (NON TOXIC) Tallow/Lard. And, of course (Org) Grass-fed butter. 'Low carb' for KIDS??? Insane!

  15. Maus fledermaus
    Maus fledermaus says:

    Mary, your advice to add red wine instead of vinegar to beef bone broth was a game changer for me! Now I add wine ( red or white) to all my bone broths and they taste so good! Thank you so much! Inna.

  16. itgetter9
    itgetter9 says:

    Mary, I LOVE to hear your stories! You are a true gem. I'm on this journey, and I still have just a few of the basics under my belt, but I am loving the journey and am feeling a lot better without all the processed gunk. Thank you for all you do, and just for your gentle way in the world. God Bless.

  17. Dawnie Rotten
    Dawnie Rotten says:

    Sorry, but….'vegetarians' are mentally ill. HUMANS NEED animal FAT for our BRAINS. Which are LITERALLY…….FAT. As well as animals protein. The HUMAN body (including the mind) WILL DEGENERATE when not fed a PROPER diet of these things. I have yet to see a 'healthy' 'vegetarian'! Nor one that can THINK CLEARLY! LOL When dementia or alzheimer's kicks in….you'll know 'why'.


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