How to Cook Snapper Fillets : Great Dinner Recipes

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Cooking snapper fillets requires you to be very careful because snapper is a very unique fish. Cook snapper fillets with help from an executive chef in this free …

24 replies
  1. Jim Pugh
    Jim Pugh says:

    Wow just tried it Thru together and finished it in pan best blackened snapper I have ever eaten and I have eaten a lot of good dishes on coast including blackened Red Fish in its hay day these guide lines were fast and in league of their own …..Good Job Your The Man ….Thank you …used extra virgin olive oil made sure it was hot before tossing in the filets….all you need is melted real butter to dip it in if you like poor mans lobster…..5 stars….edit being a Texan by birth and living close to the Cajuns I did sprinkle some Slap your Mama’s seasoning on it to give it a little Bam Bam

  2. Forty-one Shades
    Forty-one Shades says:

    Red snapper has been overfished and is on a list for endangered species. There are better sustainable alternatives to red snapper such as mutton snapper, rainbow snapper or yellowtail snapper. Ask your fishmonger. As a consumer, you can drive the market for sustainable seafood by choosing fish only from healthy, responsibly-managed sources, and caught or farmed in ways which minimize damage to the marine environment.


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