How to cook Roast Beef or Pork Roast in a Pressure Cooker.

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I love roast beef (and pork roasts too!), Using my pressure cooker gets them done fast and with great flavour. 3-4lbs Pork or Beef Roast 3-4 cups potato 1 onion 1 …

20 replies
  1. The Mother of the Rugrats
    The Mother of the Rugrats says:

    You could always make a thicker gravy after you've taken the meat out to rest (redistribute) the juices instead of cornstarch to clog your venting hole and put the instant pot on saute, then add your preferred thickening agent… also, a sear on any cut of meat should yield some brown/colored meat, not white… let it sit longer to sear on all sides… thanks for the inspo… 🙂

  2. Cookinitmax
    Cookinitmax says:

    Hi hey you really shouldnt touch the meat so much let it sit.
    ➡Searing⬅ is making sure meat gets a nice brown color to it then you turn it untill all sides reach a nice golden brown color to all sides then deglaze pan with red wine or water if you dont like wine then toss it in pot.
    I also would caramelize onion carrots cellery little butter or oil in pan put onion first get them brown then add rest of vegies in then add to pot you get a nice flavor from doing that.
    Thanks for video.

  3. eve dallas
    eve dallas says:

    Geez people alittle negative are you. Frankly if you don’t like how he does something DON’T DO IT.
    I usually watch these videos for ideas, then basically change somethings to fit my particular needs. There is no reason to be so Nitpicky!!

  4. D D
    D D says:

    Sear meaning….to burn or scorch the surface of (something) with a sudden, intense heat. You failed the first thing. Why do people put things on youtube demonstrating something they are shit at. Next.


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