How to Cook Garden Fresh Eggplant the Healthiest Way in Minutes

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John from shows you the best way to cook eggplant to retain more polyphenol antioxidants for the greatest health benefit.

42 replies
  1. Tunnelrat6666
    Tunnelrat6666 says:

    The best egg plant dish I have ever had in my life ( and eat them all summer long every year for the last 30yrs) is the Filipino eggplant omelet. It is amazing when done right. You must grill the eggplant first some people boil it no good it must be grill first.

  2. ConspiracyBear
    ConspiracyBear says:

    🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆 🤣🤣👍🏻✌🏻 Pressure cooking also reduces the lectins As does removing skin and seeds

  3. Johnny Stenberg
    Johnny Stenberg says:

    Hiya there mister. I recently picked up metal shvaings to build a cb. I watched you rvideo from 2013 about nutrient defiencsy from possibl3 chemical trails. I think that you should repost it. as the information you provided is just as important today as 8 years ago

  4. Dorothy Allen
    Dorothy Allen says:

    Wonder if the leftover liquid would be beneficial to drink or use in smoothies? would the heat have killed off any goodness? guess at the very least, may be good to put back into the garden.

  5. Sandy K
    Sandy K says:

    John, you overcooked them! Next time set the time to 0 minutes. It will come up to pressure then shut off. You can experiment with natural pressure release or quick release as you like. But that is plenty of time and the eggplants don’t turn brown.

  6. Mary Mulford
    Mary Mulford says:

    I was in the process of making fly paper popsicles to catch the flee beetles on me eggplant leaves and thinking that i dont know what to do with eggplant, but going to try something. This post appears in the middle of all that. Maybe it will all work out.

  7. Gary Dasilva
    Gary Dasilva says:

    My man john… I wanna thank you 🙏 I'm very greatful & appreciate you sharing your hard work. I was so confused about gardening, now after watching your videos I'm on point and for ever greatful.

  8. Barefoot Pony
    Barefoot Pony says:

    Very informative video! I will be shopping for an insta-pot. Love eggplant, and what great knowledge you shared about preserving and maximizing their purple nutrition!

  9. Laurie Smith
    Laurie Smith says:

    Dude, wipe down that thing once in a while! It's grubby. By the way, you can set the timer to zero and the pot will shut off upon reaching pressurization, then just wait for it the food inside rto continue to cook while you wait for it to to depressurize. I have to say, that eggplant looks pretty repulsive to me, but to each his own!


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