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I hope you all enjoy this easy way to can green beans. I always like to can my green beans, because I think it’s the best way to …

25 replies
  1. Sandy at The beach
    Sandy at The beach says:

    Oh my goot-ness this brought me back to my childhood as well.. My brother & I would break beans, shuck corn, etc that my mom & dad had bought what seemed like a mountain full of from the huge Farmers Market. Then when we were done we would eat lunch and the rest of the day was ours (usually went swimming at the park with friends). When mom pressure canned I would love to watch her but would run out of the kitchen and peek around the corner when she would take the lid off…lol Those blackberries…oh my… We would eat them straight from the tree…😍 tyfs

  2. Jaime G.
    Jaime G. says:

    One of my fondest memories of my Grandma is sitting on her porch snapping green beans together. Especially when it was storming or if the lightening bugs graced us with their presence.

  3. Jettsmom98
    Jettsmom98 says:

    This brings back memories. I remember snapping green beans with my mom when I was young. She would can green beans and tomatoes every year. When I was old enough to learn how to do it, she had stopped canning. Wish I had learned. I guess it's never too late. You're a great teacher. Have a great week!

  4. caitlyn mcmenamy
    caitlyn mcmenamy says:

    Petroleum (Vaseline) is extremely flammable,if you're going to follow this bitch's recommendation of using Vaseline around the inside of your canning apparatus make sure you are away from any heat source.

  5. Lee Korten
    Lee Korten says:

    Thank you so much Any for showing and talking us through how to can veg. The video was very interesting and informative. After watching you, with your easy to follow step by step it is definitely worth trying. Have a wonderful weekend 💞

  6. Lucinda Jackson
    Lucinda Jackson says:

    Hi Amy! Your basket of goodies from the market looked so fresh! Your blackberries are beautiful – I’m a baby about the seeds, so I miss out on some seriously good stuff! 😄

    Thanks for showing us the pressure canner. I’ve never been afraid of a regular pressure cooker and had a couple that I used several times a week for years. Some things just tasted better! And InstantPots just aren’t the same. I grew up watching my grandmother and mother use them (incidentally, neither would cook green beans any other way) and my daughter grew up watching me use one. No fear at all and I even saw my mom’s “blow its top” once when she got busy and forgot to turn the heat down. Now there’s a mess! Anyway, for some reason the pressure canners always frightened me. I think it’s because of the serious looking latches! 😂 And I never saw one in action. I wish I’d looked into it more when I first got married – I think I’d have done some serious canning. I did take up freezing fruits and veg and making refrigerator jams. I just wish I hadn’t been such a chicken!

    Anyway, your beans look great and your family will enjoy them all winter. How satisfying! And Chloe – she’s such an eager helper! – will learn how to do all of these wonderful things!

    Have a fun 4th of July!!

  7. Libby Smith
    Libby Smith says:

    I remember canning green beans with my mom and my Granny when I was Chloe's age. I loved snapping them like she does.. The whole veggie and fruit box looked good.

  8. Pebbles G
    Pebbles G says:

    I would love yo no more about the wemons dresses how to make one, how many pieces ,how u choose ur color and y I stumbled across ur show and was stunded and I just can't get enough thank u for ur content

  9. Theresa Buck
    Theresa Buck says:

    Ja, I am crocheting again. I am in a homesteading group because of my experience growing up in West Texas (Mom is now in East Texas, but I feel more at home here). I remember my mom canning green beans and other vegetables from our garden and dad shooting an occasional deer or rabbit to supplement our protein (we also raised cattle, pigs and chickens so a few of the animals would end up in the freezer each year. I always loved snapping the beans.

  10. Rhonda Rogers
    Rhonda Rogers says:

    Thanks so much for sharing the canning of your green beans ! They look so good !! It will certainly be nice has a side for a cooked meal . loved watching every Thursday night . God bless you all ! Have a nice 4th of July ..

  11. mike severino
    mike severino says:

    Thanks so much Amy! I have always wanted to know how to do this. A pressure cooker also. I really am greatful for this video and the time you took to record canning beans. This is so helpful. I love the Essential Oils too! wow I hope more videos like this will come as i think canning is a dying concept and i would love to learn more! <3 thank You and love the channel. Hi Chloe 🙂


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