How to be frugal when you're just not frugal – Mid Week Money Chat – A pathway to frugality

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I advise you how you can become frugal even when you’re not frugal… Frugal Queen in France Like the menu board & Budget Book? We have now started …

46 replies
  1. Jenni L
    Jenni L says:

    It is very much about comparing ourselves with others. We are often competitive and also anxious about being considered or feeling less than our peers.
    On a personal level, my triggers are books – there is no library near enough for me to get to as I can no longer drive – and YouTube used to be, because I would watch things on YT and often see food plants that were new to me and want to try them. Often, I'd find they didn't thrive here. My solution was to watch 6 month old vlog posts. That gives me time to look up the plant's requirements for growth and culinary uses. If I don't think my family will enjoy it, or think it won't grow well here, I drop the ideas, particularly with expensive fruit trees for our small orchard.

  2. Jo B
    Jo B says:

    Thank you. This Frugal & Self-worth video is great advice for life. Well spoken. Iโ€™ve always been frugal. I enjoy your videos.
    Blessings & Prayers ๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฅ€

    SUE HOOPER says:

    I loved this video and will deffo watch again. I'm like a 10 or 9. Playing at trying to be frugal. I really want to be better. I need to work out my triggers. The same would be for over eating, playing at dieting.
    I certainly need to practice more at both.

    Keep up the good work and thanks for helping us all.

  4. Heather Tucker
    Heather Tucker says:

    New subscriber here! We are now living on a fixed pension so have to watch the Pennieโ€™s! We are mortgage and debt free but still have to be careful and have to budget and plan for our holidays etc and put a little aside for unplanned expenses! We love France and have had the most wonderful holidays there over the years so your channel is going to be doubly enjoyable! We are always up for money saving tips so keep them coming! Thank you!

  5. Madeleine
    Madeleine says:

    When the kids were little we had one electricity-free day a week, and a car-free day a week. This is no effort at all, and saves you money. Going without electricity means no washing or hoovering, brushing your teeth by lamp or candle light and eating leftovers. In other words, a day to relax or spend time outdoors together. Of course in cold weather we had to use the electric stove to heat up our dinner, but we did without whatever we could. No tv and no charging screens has other social and mental health benefits too ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. Joan Revell
    Joan Revell says:

    My trigger is when a family member come around , and they are short of money. And giving it to them. Never asking for it back. Then remember that the family earns nearly twice as much as us. . I just can't help it.

  7. Deborah Spaulding
    Deborah Spaulding says:

    This has really helped, I am just starting a path to be frugal and the tips are just what I needed. Thank you for all the practical advice you give in each video. One of my triggers is wanting to shop when I am overstressed or upset.

  8. Liz Scott
    Liz Scott says:

    Really well explained Jane. I hope you convert lots of people. Simply because there is so much security in having money set aside for anything ahead especially unforseen events. Snap! I was also a mum at 20. I was brought up in a fairly well off family, however we were taught self reliance. My mum then myself always had a hard backed note book, where our our Budget and all spending was noted. I have always know my financial position at all times. That seriously takes worries away, even if you KNOW your broke. Then you can plan the exist route out!!!! Get a grip on your finances get a grip on your life. Keep Up The Teaching Jane.

  9. Lyn Noorman
    Lyn Noorman says:

    I am trying to loose weight as well as be frugal. They go together really well, as cooking from scratch with loads of veggies means that you can easily and cheaply control what you eat!
    However, I had a slip up the other day. Went to get petrol, a bar of my favourite chocolate on offer at the till. Dear reader, I bought and consumed it! Now, previously, that would have been the end of the diet, the end of frugality but I am trying to forgive my little blip and not let it turn into a torrent of chocolate eating and compensation spending.

  10. Corinne Leppard
    Corinne Leppard says:

    Thank you for this. I love your honesty and ability to communicate. I actually got quite emotional watching this, but think it's because the words ring so true to me. As I may have said before, I now live in an area where wealth/show seems to count for so much and anything frugal is very much frowned upon. I have recently returned home after undergoing 3 major operations and am unable to go out and about. I am now "invisible", with no-one stopping by or asking my husband how we are managing. I have realised that, to them, I now have little importance as I cannot engage in social chat about the new kitchens/cars/planned holidays. Harsh words possibly, but an important life lesson for me and how I need to put my self-worth and what matters to me and my family first. We will continue with our frugal plans x

  11. Lauri Thomasson
    Lauri Thomasson says:

    Great video. I got complimented on a fall jacket I was wearing the other day. Funny thing is is that it is 20 years old now. I only wear it in the fall and take care of it, the lady couldn't believe it was that old. Same with my car, it is almost 12 years old but still looks good and is reliable. I will care for it and drive it until the mechanic says upkeep is not worth it. As for ads, except for weekly grocery ads the catalogs go directly from the mailbox to the recycling tub. I'm saving for our emergency fund and for travel to see my grandson in the UK. Hopefully in February if no Covid problems.

  12. sandra brown
    sandra brown says:

    I've always known what triggers me to spend, and that's when I'm really unhappy. Whilst I'm spending I'm distracted for a short while but of course it doesn't fix why I'm unhappy, so I have to watch myself at those times because all my good sense flys out the window

  13. Cdogvlog 55
    Cdogvlog 55 says:

    When you are cremated you turn to ash so I don't think to say compost is accurate since they just stick you in an oven and burn you to a crisp. I just hope that I finally get around to reupholstering my couch before then. Anyway I had a bit of a budget blowout I went and got one of those line trimmer machines, as I just got sick of all the untidy edges to the lawn everywhere and instead of getting one with a string I got one that uses plastic blades that you clip on. I've been meaning to get one of these things for ages and went overbudget of course but the one I got is very good super happy with it. It is battery powered so I don't have to navigate a cord around everywhere like the lawnmower. I had a moment yesterday where I nearly bought another couch and it was a 2nd hand one and a very solid one but pine and it was stained dark and I thought well I could just sand it all down and stain it to match my oak chairs but the reality of finding matching upholstery fabric at a good price for 2 sofas and 2 armchairs is a bit overwhelming to me right now and anyway I passed on getting that couch. Making it look good would be a huge undertaking and expense a lot of sanding discs etc etc.

  14. Stephanie Kleppin
    Stephanie Kleppin says:

    Thanks again Jane and Michael. Thinking about triggers for me were work clothes as I had a work mandate for business attire so I bought more than I really needed at the time. Now that I am retired, most of those clothes are being passed on to others. I would have a much bigger bank account now if I was more frugal during those working years. Another trigger was kitchen appliances since I love to cook. I have come to realize that if an appliance only serves one function no matter how โ€œcool, new, techno-nifty,โ€ I am no longer buying. If I wonโ€™t use an appliance on a weekly basis, I wonโ€™t buy it either.

  15. Marta Pogribna
    Marta Pogribna says:

    Thank you for this video! I am not really frugal, but I think that even some frugal habits can go a long way, and I try to incorporate them as much as I can. I am also delighted to see that your channel grew handsomely lately! Congratulations!๐ŸŽˆ

  16. Pat Martin
    Pat Martin says:

    I totally agree that our younger life shapes our attitudes to money and life. I know I am never happier than when the cupboards are full it feels like I am safe and secure.As I get older I am trying to condition myself to believe that the money is better in the bank than sat in my cupboards not getting used and taking up space. As a child there were times when money was tight and we had to make do. I am trying to train myself to always remember I have all I need and if there is something extra that I need I have the means to purchase it when I need it instead of it sitting in the cupboard taking up space and deteriorating. Lots of sound advise as always Jane. You do a great public service with information and advise you give in each and every one of your videos. So pleased to see you are being rewarded with the growth in your channel. Long May you continue to grow and prosper.

  17. Mary Ann Rogers
    Mary Ann Rogers says:

    I rarely even look at the advertisements. If I do then it might make me think about buying things I do t even really need. My weakness is looking at Talbots catalog (women clothing for mature women in US) but not necessarily buying anything.

  18. shiva kat
    shiva kat says:

    My mom taught me to wait 2-3 days before buying a "want" item and if I wanted as badly then buy it. We even went so far as to hide that object in store so in a few days time it could be found! Most often it was still there but I found I did not want it as badly.

  19. lisa garrison
    lisa garrison says:

    My biggest problem, lately, is that I've been favoring the easy (and more expensive) way to remodel and upgrade my home, rather than doing all the work myself. I keep reminding myself that, yes, it IS taking me longer to finish the remodel, but it's MUCH more frugal doing the work myself ! Thanks for the video….you've encouraged me to remain frugal !!

  20. Bri A
    Bri A says:

    This is my favorite video you have made so far, and that is really saying something, as you put out quality inspiring videos all of the time. Thank you.


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