How SHE'S preserving these before the COLD | Rutgers Devotion Basil

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Find Amy’s Homesteaders Herbal Companion book here: Rutgers Devotion Italian Basil …

27 replies
  1. Jo-Ann Jewett
    Jo-Ann Jewett says:

    I grow tons of basil but dehydrated basil loses much of it’s oils. You are better off tying it bunched together and just hanging to dry and it is so
    much easier. I harvest mine many times and make pesto which I freeze in little silicone muffin molds and transfer to freezer bags.

  2. Elaine Farr
    Elaine Farr says:

    thanks so much for the basil ideas! I have a beautiful basil plant still growing, and I'm going to take some cuttings to bring in the house, I never thought of that. I love my freeze dryer, so glad you now have one!

  3. Tracey Wye
    Tracey Wye says:

    If you are growing a polytunnel can exten your growing time for earlybulbs also christmas pants and bulbs, if you can( in the uk we can). This started in the channel Islands, where early and tomatoes to the main land was a good case crop. As mor place grew earlies no premium price. So the greenhouse need a new crop, some grew year around and sent to main land customers in boxes.
    Good luck the farm.

  4. Marjorie Johnson
    Marjorie Johnson says:

    Several years in a row I ordered tomatoes from totally tomatoes and I ordered one that when a white star was on the base and the tomato was just starting to color ,though wrapped the tomatoes in newspaper and kept at a cool room ( about 60) and slowly they rippened..we had really flavorful ripe tomatoes till almost february.. I live in New york w,what's known as southern tier….broome county area..much colder than you are…enjoy watching your channel brings back good memories.


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