How One Couple Broke Free of the Rat Race from Singapore to Penang [feat @corporatebreakoutcouple]

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Have you ever felt stuck spinning your wheels in the rat race, wondering if there’s a better way? We sit down with a couple who …

18 replies
  1. @hatchet123
    @hatchet123 says:

    Watched through the whole interview. Whole feeling is they are putting down Singapore and salaried workers. I don’t think you have to belittle others to justify your own actions.

  2. @jem8965
    @jem8965 says:

    I like the part where comparison was made between Penang/Malaysia and Singapore. And I agree with John.

    Comparing the two cities, life in Singapore is like cycling down the street from point a to point b with a bicycle. You focus on what’s ahead of you most of the time and get to the destination faster but you miss out on appreciating what’s around you if you’d had walked instead.

    IMO, Singapore’s pace is too fast. It’s good for its development and economy. But not good for the people’s mind and soul. Trust me, mental health is going to be an issue here in Singapore if it continues the way it is.

  3. @KyithNg
    @KyithNg says:

    I managed to listen 8/10 of the way. I appreciate the sharing.

    But I sort of am disappointed with the way that they explain the 4% rate or some 4% rate that equity returns earned. If it is based on the same safe withdrawal rate, it is rather robust. Probably more robust than depending on 3 properties in 3 different regions. It does not mean that it does not have cash flow. In properties, you can have periods where you don't have cash flow as well.

    Imagine a scenario where that 4% actually tested through which is a Singapore and Malaysia great depression. That 4% survived that kind of scenario. The question is whether the properties today will survive that scenario. We don't know. but I hazard to guess getting a market rate rental, and then being employed together (based on their plan) can be rather challenging.

  4. @DigitalOutreach.Expert
    @DigitalOutreach.Expert says:

    Your YouTube channel is amazing! The content you create is instructive and informative, The production quality, creativity, and passion you put into your videos are evident in every frame. you are keeping me hooked with every video. Keep up the fantastic work, you're doing a fantastic job! 😊👍


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