How My Kids Eat In a Day// Plant Based // Plus Homestead Life

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44 replies
  1. A S
    A S says:

    I love your raw honest videos. Your kids are so well behaved! I wish I was on the vegan journey years ago when I could've trained my kids to eat this way. This was one of my favorite videos of yours 😁

  2. BloomingTOGETHER with Danielle Wood
    BloomingTOGETHER with Danielle Wood says:

    I just absolutely adore this video ❤ I am a homeschool mama with 5 kiddos who has been learning to slow down and be more present and intentional in my home with my children discipling and pouring into them. This video nearly brought me to tears. Thank you for inspiring me to dig deeper into bringing them into my wfpb lifestyle more. I cant wait to try out these recipes with them. I also love that you get dressed up and go on picnics to replace the eating out, we will now be incorporating this into our lives as well ❤

  3. Kelly C
    Kelly C says:

    Beautiful video with a beautiful family!! So nice to see the kids developing healthy eating habits and learning responsibility with chores. Love these videos.

  4. Jodi V.
    Jodi V. says:

    A word of caution Kiki. I love the channel and your messages overall. You have referred to your daughter as a "picky eater" in several of your videos. I'm a mom who used to do the same thing. My kids are older now and my daughter has since told me how much that label hurt her while she was growing up. She always felt I was comparing her to other kids and her brother and she felt there was something wrong with her 🙁 She equated "picky with "difficult" . I thought I was just being light-hearted and funny and had no idea the impact it had on her. Take it from a mom who truly regrets this and drop the label for your beautiful daughter who already eats healthier than 90% of other kids 💖

  5. Lynn Osborne
    Lynn Osborne says:

    You post the most awesome and inspiring videos. But, you know what? Every day can't be magical. I would like to see a day in the life of Kiki and family where things are a little off or just not going too well, and I would like you to video it all (no editing), so that I can make sure you guys are truly human.

  6. Trisha Wall
    Trisha Wall says:

    Very nice video, loved seeing some of your life. Going to make the drink and the humas. Plus have some picnics after the smoky skies clears and the temp. drops here in WA. state. Inspired!

  7. Judy punk
    Judy punk says:

    loved that everyone spoke in this video. thank you for sharing as always. Family time is amazing, You deserve all your accomplishments. Peace Love and Smoothies from NY

  8. Carrie M
    Carrie M says:

    My grandchildren love bacon….BUT eating fried fat to me is not healthy so I make them bacon from mushrooms…the recipe is on All Recipes…..they also love the dehydrated veggie sticks I make them and I have to make lots of kale chips when they come over… my air frier.

  9. Robyn W
    Robyn W says:

    Beautiful video! Just a tip – please increase the audio – it's a little difficult to hear everything even with the volume all the way up. You have such a beautiful family and live in such a beautiful part of Colorado! Proud of how you're raising your family to be healthy and enjoy the little things

  10. Roxana Turner
    Roxana Turner says:

    That is a lovely lifestyle. While watching, a question persistently pops in my head: if you lost 70 pounds with a strict fat-free vegan diet, what does that regime do to children in active growth? Is there any additional element to the children's nutrition that you would not eat?

  11. Fabi c
    Fabi c says:

    Hi Kiki! I am very excited to try the recipes specially the bread you made! Do you think it would work if I replace the rice flour for brown rice flour and psyllium for flaxseed meal? Thank you🙏😘


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