How much should you eat on Keto? | Calculating BMR and TDEE | Keto Beyond the Couch ep 275

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15 replies
  1. @gabrielpaulsmom
    @gabrielpaulsmom says:

    Are we really living longer? Walk threw a cometary that is over 100 years if you survived infancy you lived a long life a lot of people lived into their 90's and 100's. Ozempic killed my cousin it caused her liver and kidneys to fail she was a diabetic.

  2. @aztonyusa
    @aztonyusa says:

    The issue with the low carb products is people believe net carbs is a real thing. They don't know or want to know they shouldn't go by net carbs. They don't know there's no research that shows net carbs works, even from vegetables.

    I have that issue with my brother who is diabetic. I tell him cut out the sweets and the carbs and that will cure the diabetes. His response is he enjoys the sweets, the pasta, the potatoes, etc., and at his age, 71, he is not willing to remove them from his life.

  3. @miriambair
    @miriambair says:

    I do think there is something about posing that is helpful for non body builders. When you look in the mirror every day and say nice things to yourself it can greatly improve your body image.


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