How Mediterranean Meal Prep will Transform Your Week

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28 replies
  1. Gigi Lafonte
    Gigi Lafonte says:

    Medditeran food is the healthiest food around. You don't have to add Meadleestern as most Arabs eat Maroccan, Tunisian, Egyptian and Lebanese/Syrian food which is also Mediterranean. Thank you.

  2. Hope Fillled Day
    Hope Fillled Day says:

    Have you done Asian yet, I am particulary fond of Korean food and they do a lot of side dishes, would be fun to see some of those with easy to get ingredients, and they do lots of pickles šŸ˜€ I do love this series, looking forward to trying out these dishes

  3. mariab
    mariab says:

    La esencia fundamental de la comida mediterrƔnea es sentarte con tu familia. Compartir ensalada, comer con pan del dia, y un plato de contundente que estƩ caliente.

  4. Yaman
    Yaman says:

    Man this's not Mediterranean! I am.
    The closest you got was with the hummus. Not exactly the authentic way but good enough. The rest of it was nothing like what we do or even how we do it. Pita?
    As a fan, sorry but a big NO.

  5. Tacospaceman
    Tacospaceman says:

    Itā€™s amazing how far you can stretch just a few ingredients, youā€™re creativity as a chef is shining so brightly in this video.
    Keep it up! Tell your bro we said hi lol

  6. Cassidy Richard
    Cassidy Richard says:

    The very last lunch you assembled would be something I would do… I usually only have 20 minutes to eat lunch so something super quick but satisfying like that is perfect for me. I love Greek cuisine but there are so many varied components that I find it challenging to meal prep, I like that chickpea salad you made, I think I may try that in the coming weeks!

  7. Kathleen Kibblehouse
    Kathleen Kibblehouse says:

    Totally excited to see the next chapter Mike. Love ur channel, energy, and that baby is a doll! Joy in every day. I love to entertain weekend guests but donā€™t want to be in the kitchen all the time. Whatā€™s a good weekend menu for 4 that starts with greeting weary Friday night travelers and ends on Sunday with a kick ass brunch?

  8. Kesa
    Kesa says:

    Looks so good. I have been wanting to try Mediterranean meals. Thank you for showing us how easy and delicious it can be. I looked for the Mediterranean salad recipe on your website but it is not with the other recipes for this episode. Am I missing it?

  9. Minerlis Abreu
    Minerlis Abreu says:

    This was a great meal prep video! I think something that would be really helpful would be making some grocery shopping videos. Like, what are some essentials you recommend always buying, and what spices a pantry essentials do you recommend having that are helpful for weekely meal prep. I always get overwhelmend at the store and never know what to buy.


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