How many carbohydrates you should eat on an animal-based diet

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42 replies
  1. David Gereg
    David Gereg says:

    What about most of us that are insulin resistant and or pre-diabetic? Also, I’ve been stuck at 20lbs over weight and eating carnivore with about 1/10 of the fruit you suggest here for almost 3 years…

  2. Null F
    Null F says:

    It depends what heart rate they’re exercising at. If it’s zone 2 yeah maybe. But anything above is depleting glycogen stores in your muscles isn’t it? Don’t you need carbs to replace those???

  3. Mike Martin
    Mike Martin says:

    I have to address this problem that I see all the time. People just cannot seem to admit that people are very deferent metabolically. I have a best friend who is completely opposite me metabolically. He has had abbs our entire lives. Even when we lived together worked out together and ate the same exact diet. I was always fatter than him. My friend understands this because he’s witnessed it, but most skinny people go around assuming that everyone fatter than them is eating way more or worse than they are. Now I’m not saying that people who are really fat aren’t overeating. I’m talking about simply not being lean and cut like Paul is no matter how radically he changes his diet he’s always cut. And that’s why he makes stupid blanket statements about how many carbs a 150 pound man should eat.

  4. Mike Martin
    Mike Martin says:

    I have tracked my food intake for years and I cannot eat that many carbs without gaining weight. This is just wrong as a blanket statement. Maybe some people can but not all of us.

  5. Willet Williams
    Willet Williams says:

    as a teenager who is very physically active (with severe asthma) I can sustain a day on 1-2 guavas, a shit ton of water and some salt mixed in, and a black coffee along with some dates.

    Fruits are godsent, keep your polyunsaturated fats intake low just like how Mr.Saladino says and you'll see a massive difference

  6. V TG
    V TG says:

    Im very active (about 10-14 hours of excercise per week, light to heavy) and I would get fat on 150g of carbs/day. i think its because before i became healthy, i was just too metabolically screwed where insulin resistance is concerned.

  7. David Shenton
    David Shenton says:

    How the hell is that animal BASED. The only thing remotely animal is the milk and honey, the majority is more like a fruitarian diet. Plus you don't make the important distinction that your suggested diet is useless for the metabolically unhealthy, which sadly seems to be the greater proportion of society.

  8. Garcia Family
    Garcia Family says:

    I would love to hear how much you'd recommend for pregnant/nursing mothers. I am always pregnant or nursing and tried carnivore but got too ill. No one will speak to us procreators 😊


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