How I would hit 150g of protein (broke edition)

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Here’s what a day could look like if I were to eat 150g of protein (budget friendly edition) – Quarter zip is back in stock …

24 replies
  1. @jakesmith2341
    @jakesmith2341 says:

    Watch out for that tuna. It’s high in mercury and that shii accumulates for life. It builds up in your brain and causes you to go crazy- that’s what the term “mad as a hatter” used to mean: a hatmaker with severe mercury toxicity.

    And no, we don’t have a cure for chronic mercury poisoning as of yet. Chelation only works for acute toxicity. Stuff stays in your brain for life.

    I stick to small fishes myself- good source of omega compounds, high in DHA, virtually no mercury. Anchovies, sardines, mackerel, and mussels mostly.

    I don’t really like mussels as much as other shellfish, but I get em frozen on sale for 2.49 a lb at Aldi sometimes. Super healthy, good source of minerals, tastes pretty good in white wine butter sauce or in a frogmore stew.

    Sardines also aren’t very popular, so I tend to find them in the clearance isle at the local supermarkets. When I see the good stuff, I just buy the whole shelf and spend less per week than my coworkers.

    Yep. I’m that guy with 3 cartloads of canned fish and frozen mussels they warned you about in math class.

    Yeah, I’m a nerd. Hope somebody found that helpful! Good luck on your fitness journeys yall! ✌️

  2. @mrrandom9776
    @mrrandom9776 says:

    For years, I battled with unwanted weight gain. I just couldn't seem to lose those extra

    calories no matter how much I exercised.

    But I finally realized that it was my diet which is the main culprit because I was not

    consuming enough protein and fiber while constantly eating snacks that contained sugar and

    lots of palm oil which left me craving that for more.

    Then, I discovered a game-changer, Alpino Rolled Oats and it's peanut butter.

    This combo is a dream, it's packed with high protein to keep me feeling full and help me

    build muscle, plus tons of fiber to maintain my weight. But the best part is this is unbelievably

    delicious! No boring protein shakes or bland oatmeal for me. Alpino Oats and peanut butter

    satisfy my cravings without any added sugar. It's the perfect solution for anyone looking to

    lose weight without sacrificing taste.


  3. @hywodena
    @hywodena says:

    $3.50 for 1 meal isn't THAT cheap. The average person in America spends $330 per month on groceries, which is $11 per day. So $3.50 is just average, if you're eating 3 meals a day with no snacks. You didnt title the video "average edition" you titled it "broke edition".

    As a broke person I can't afford to spend more than $6 per day on food. Even that is really pushing my budget and many days I'll go under $4. Thankfully I have time to cook everything from scratch, but even so its very difficult to fit protein into my diet. A pack of 14 small bone-in chx thighs at my cheapest local grocery store is $17, and it's pretty much the cheapest meat I can find. Aside from drums but ultimately once the bone is removed theres almost no meat remaining.. each small thigh is ~$1.25 and 18 grams protein, IF you eat the skin.

    Ultimately its cheaper (for me, anyways) to go veg. I can make a cheese pizza for $1.60 with 32 grams of protein. Or 2 burritos each with 1 egg and 25g cheese (my tortillas have 5g protein each) for $2 with 40g protein. If you're looking for more flavor, more veggies, and less calories, try making some indian curries. Just replace the ghee with oil and it's usually cheap, reduce the amount of rice and oil to help with calories. My rajma rice recipe is just $1.60, 20g protein and 550 calories. It's filling, satisfying, and full of fiber.

  4. @babacheif
    @babacheif says:

    Eggs,Chicken,Bison,Fish is my go too atm.White rice has a little 7.2% cooked,gram for gram better then pasta,avoid brown rice it blocks some nutrients and irritates your intestines.If you do have bread I love beans on toast,don’t even need margarine.


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