How I Meal Prep to Save Time & Emotional Energy (Vegan, High Protein)

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38 replies
  1. strawberica
    strawberica says:

    You just being you and talking through your thought process on things, like why you might just use salt and pepper on the fajita veggies, is so therapeutic for some reason lol. Like a lot of it is relatable but also super eye opening for me and making me realize how I can simplify certain aspects of my life. I love your videos so much.

  2. Eileen Kelly
    Eileen Kelly says:

    Love the ideas but the second one using butternut squash and Brussels the two most time intensive vegetables ever to prep for a “if you’re feeling short on time” meal is laughable.

  3. Italian Princess
    Italian Princess says:

    Sometimes ramen chips and soda are self care! glad you're back on track with your eats and gym! Do you have a link to the little mat you have your dish soap on- ohhh and your tapestry ? please and thank you <3

  4. Step Love
    Step Love says:

    This was so Helpful I just became vegan A few months back This is so Helpful for me Thanks Sarah. ( by the way my friend showed me this channel he said it would give me tip's on Vegans foods and how to Cook them.

  5. DoubleDelishdotcom
    DoubleDelishdotcom says:

    Not that it really matters if you're eating a ton of veggies anyway, since the difference in nutrition between white and brown rice isn't huge…..BUT, I have found that soaking brown rice ahead of time and then cooking it exactly like it's white rice results in a texture that's almost indistinguishable. If that extra gram or two of fiber is desirable to you, but you dislike brown rice, give it a try! I also recommend venturing out with grains or mock grains or pseudo grains. Try farro, buckwheat, barley, millet, amaranth, sorghum, quinoa, wild rice or steel cut oats anywhere you'd use rice. I usually have a few portions of most, if not all, of those in my freezer. You might end up liking one even more than rice. My personal favorite is farro. I love inviting people over and then giving them a choice of what to put their entree on top of. People usually choose something they've never tried before and that's fun.

  6. Phillip Pinter
    Phillip Pinter says:

    I don't like it when people label foods as carbs fats and protein. Almost all plants contain all three. Some of you would probably be very surprised about the amount of protein and fat in grains and amount of carbs in most beans. Usually beans (excluding soy) are actually even higher in their carbohydrate ratio than grains

  7. RD Psysium
    RD Psysium says:

    One of the things that's really helped me with that mental 'oh my god I don't want to cook for myself' kind of vibe is having pre-cut frozen veggies. I recently found a bag of mixed plain bell peppers, a bag of diced butternut squash (no peeling required!) a bag of mirepoix – things I hadn't really noticed since they weren't broccoli or cauliflower. You can oven roast things straight from frozen, too. I've also found those little cubed hash browns convection baked in several tablespoons of oil crisp up better than regular fries if you're craving crunchy without as much guilt. You could add those to breakfast burritos, too.

    This video made a few meal prepping ideas seem more approachable. Really eyeing that fajita style bowl! Now to just get myself to stay in the kitchen…

  8. Horny Koala
    Horny Koala says:

    I can really recommend buying a second freezer (if you have the space and money). My life has become so much easier and my diet healthier because I cook large amounts of meals I like and freeze 4 – 5 portions of them so I've always got healthy freezer meals available. I do everything at the weekend because I don't have the energy in the week to cook. It's really simplified my food life.

  9. Zepzour
    Zepzour says:

    I just love your videos so much! I have them on repeat constantly, so rewatchable and comforting. Currently struggling with alcoholism so I am also trying to optimize my diet to be healthier to hopefully help counteract the negative affects of that, appreciate the content!


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