How I handle knowing about so much suffering

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37 replies
  1. Gina Bean
    Gina Bean says:

    It's hard because you consider that suffering is unacceptable. But, suffering is synonymous to life. And the only alternative proposed by veganism is to substitute a life of exploitation, and potentially suffering, with no life at all for all domestic animals.
    It's hard because, as the only moral observer, we are concerned about OUR moral suffering rather than the actual animal suffering. Otherwise, you'll substitute vegetables with other meals: they cause much more animal suffering than any meat does (at least twice as much). But you don't because it's easier to ignore animal death with no meat in your plate: you don't suffer morally because you can ignore the exploitation and suffering caused in your plate, thus, it exists but doesn't matter. Cruelty free food is not a thing. It's marketing bs and we love to embrasse it once in a while as a reinforcement biais.
    My bottom line is that vegans don't care more about animals life than meat eaters because they encourage the replacement of suffering with no life at all.
    What really counts is the moral suffering. And moral is a speciest attribute of the human race.

  2. v d
    v d says:

    Isn’t it ironical in a way to look at your kids as a means to increase your happiness levels, yet you struggle with life on your own as it is? To me it sounds like perpetuating meaningless. Or better said, postponing it. We really don’t know what kind of world lays in front of us, maybe in 10-20 years we’ll face WW3? It’s quite possible. Bringing someone here to make the world a happier place (and to make us) is a dangerous game to play.

    I’m so fascinated by your reasoning when it comes to veganism, but on this I think you‘re choosing to stay comfortably blind, just like Neil. It‘s incredible when I hear you talk about anti-veganism in such an eloquent way, yet you ignore the reality just the same way.

    Sorry for my English, I hope my thoughts came across anyway. I‘ve seen your video on having children, but I don’t find it convincing at all. I think you‘re blind. Really blind. And you’ll probably stay this way because there’s no going back and you‘ll have to live with this decision for the rest of your life anyway. Sorry for being so blunt, but I don’t support the message you spread on this one.

  3. KarmicWealth
    KarmicWealth says:

    You, and you alone, make YouTube totally worth it for me (and, also, when I find myself watching Eddie Van Halen solos for three hours until 4am and then I’m like: what the fuck is my problem??)

  4. Fried Cider
    Fried Cider says:

    So you struggle with handling
    the suffering of animals by calling people liars when they talk about the real issues with BLM? 🤨 and how they send wild horses to the slaughter house? Please make a video on this, vegan or non vegan everyone needs to ban together and help put a stop towards this with education and what we can do as audience viewers

  5. P. Ross
    P. Ross says:

    Good tips! I will add writing a schedule out and sticking to it no matter your mood particuarly on weekends, or nonbusy days. Easier said than done, of course, but it does help!

  6. DeoxyHelix
    DeoxyHelix says:

    so, you gonna take back that "raleigh's lying" thing about the blm (for those who don't know, not the black lives matter movement) sending wild horses to slaughter?

  7. darkcloudsandrainbows
    darkcloudsandrainbows says:

    When I started treatment for anorexia I was advised to get rid of all social media, avoid magazines (I had subscription to Yoga Journal at the time), avoid full length mirrors and obviously the scales for at least 6 months. This was over 8 years ago and when I was well enough to bring back the scale and full length mirrors I realized that I was much happier without social media. I have YouTube and Pinterest and I don't post pictures of myself. I find it much easier to stay focused on the positive without constant reminders of all the terrible things that are happening in the world.

  8. Kylie
    Kylie says:

    Getting off of Facebook (finally), and making time to focus on my health and maintain some hobbies has helped me immensely with mental health.

    Oh and 🍄

  9. Mountain Files
    Mountain Files says:

    A friend told me she felt happier living in New York City than anywhere else because “no matter what you have going on or how out of it you are, you are never the craziest thing someone saw on the street that day.” It was the greatest explanation for loving city life I had ever heard.

  10. Leah Nibert
    Leah Nibert says:

    Hey, thanks for addressing my comment 🙂
    I appreciate you sharing your thoughts!
    Social media is a big problem for me and yeah I've known for awhile I need to limit my use.

    Just the apathy of the suffering of animals is everywhere. I can't go to work, or anywhere really, without hearing about how much people love eating animals. I see it everywhere, I hear it everywhere. I can't just turn it off. I do feel helpless because in all honesty there's not a whole lot I can do… I just hope there's enough of us to end this madness soon…. lol I could definitely use a therapist 😂

    And you were talking about the animal cruelty stuff in the video games and shows… I feel the same. And I don't get overly upset about it, but it's SO annoying, because it's in every single show and movie I love… and I see everything so differently now as a vegan, and I'm just like, CAN'T I JUST ENJOY THINGS? 😂

    But yeah, thanks so much for this video. 💕

  11. Midori Sour
    Midori Sour says:

    I was separated from my fiancé for more than 6 months during the pandemic due to travel bans. Thank you for caring about families that have been separated during this time <3

  12. NovelsAnd Lattes
    NovelsAnd Lattes says:

    I've started noticing that a lot of apps like Facebook, Twitter and TikTok are actually ROBBING me of the time, focus and drive that I need to reach certain goals. I beat myself up about it, but these apps are getting me in my emotions too much and I end up angry or depressed and disconnected. I've just recently chosen to uninstall and recenter. I dont want to lose Instagram or Youtube. Just venting.

  13. Nicole Saphire
    Nicole Saphire says:

    Sadly some people, like Zach Bush, are denying germ theory, claiming it’s false and instead believing in debunked terrain theory. Conspiracy theories and theorists are on my list of depression causing things.


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