HOW I HACKED BINGE EATING & LOST 50 POUNDS IN 3 MONTHS (Best Low Calorie Foods To Fill Your Belly)

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NICOLE COLLET shares how she lost 50 pounds in 3 months and overcame her issues with overeating with the best low calorie food swaps. ▻SUPPORT THIS …

38 replies
  1. J R
    J R says:

    I hope you never stop making videos. I just started portion control (after trying literally everything else) and seriously need daily reminders to stay on track. Have 200 lbs to lose 😰

  2. Lilly Gutierrez
    Lilly Gutierrez says:

    Fruit i had some had banana 1arge strawberry a few blueberries w low plain yogurt and water w milk frozen fruit n ice and I add protein powder to it. N drink that inhave hard time estting

  3. Lilly Gutierrez
    Lilly Gutierrez says:

    Its been 3 weeks I been st the gym going daily for minimum average 60 mins a day some a lil longer some just 40 mins .. Im really trying taking collagen. And I ate quest cookie if needed

  4. norma smith
    norma smith says:

    Great video nikki and sassy pants I really need this video always watching u guys and always love ur fyi yall doing a great job on yall channel keep up all the great work and things yall doing on yall channel keep take care nikki and sassy pants hello to yall and all the rest of the family God bless u all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Stephanie Kline
    Stephanie Kline says:

    Thank you so much for this channel and all of your motivating great ideas for diet hacks. I was making my online grocery list and adding these items today! Excited to try the pudding/yogurt fruit dessert! Getting my spin bike delivered tomorrow and off I go thank you for motivating me with your videos and story! I so appreciate you and Sassy!

  6. Amanda Sutton
    Amanda Sutton says:

    Hi guys, I want to follow your plan, but how do I learn the recommended serving size for non labelled products like veg, fruit, etc? I love your videos xx keep doing this x you are my inspiration

  7. Julie Barron
    Julie Barron says:

    I'm shattered. Just spent 45 minutes trying to get my budgies to bed 😅 so that's exercise done 🤔 Water… Still struggling be will not give up. Night guys 🐿️🐻💕

  8. Nicole Rowell
    Nicole Rowell says:

    I am struggling with my PCOS. I am working to eliminate lots of dairy as I have realized it makes me more bloated. I am really struggling with weight loss. I’ve been watching your videos for several months and completely agree with your methods. I am just struggling with making foods for my whole family and then eating the low calorie foods for myself. I guess I am a work in progress…but working my way to 50 and want to look and feel my best!


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