How I Got Reviews On My Amazon Products Step by Step – how to get reviews on amazon kdp 2021

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Upon request, here’s a behind the scenes look at my set up and how I did it. Also, did you get your digital cupcake today? -Renae Before the Dooblidoo, Do This: …

11 replies
  1. Alan T
    Alan T says:

    Does anyone know what happens after DFY finishes creating the product? Do they still help you maintain the business: like effective ads, making sure inventory stays in stock, etc?

  2. nauski
    nauski says:

    Unfortunately this is a clear violation of Amazon's Customer product reviews policies. It clearly says you can't reward customers for giving reviews. It might be fine for a while but they can take your listing down and remove the reviews.

  3. Scott Tovey
    Scott Tovey says:

    "Anybody that sells you a course is a scam"

    I don't know Renae.

    With all the bad info coming from educated idiots like those running the CDC; and the myriad of abuses being perpetrated on American children by educated educators; their's a whole lot of anecdotal evidence supporting the claim that; "Anybody that sells you a course is a scam".

    On the other hand; maybe they all contracted a COVID variant specific to educated idiots that brings out their complete idiocy.


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