How I Cooked 20 Pounds of Cabbage

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If lettuce went to the gym, it would be cabbage. In today’s video, we’ll be making a bunch of recipes that all feature the same …

30 replies
  1. Ula Roh
    Ula Roh says:

    Koreans usually put thinly sliced beef brisket in mille feuille soup instead of pork. We also put shiitake mushrooms on top and we normally put dashi broth.

  2. Annisa NA
    Annisa NA says:

    I always love this series!

    Anyway, here in Indonesia we tend to deep fried cabbages as our side dish. Usually served with fried chicken and/or fried fish on street food. We call it "Kol Goreng"

  3. drmobius
    drmobius says:

    I want a video about Cooking tubers. Not potatoes specifically, but just tubers. I have a neighbor who grows dahlias, very beautiful flowers, as well as sunflowers. Both are grown from tubers, and the tubers, like potatoes, are edible. What varieties taste good? What dahlia petals go good as edible flowers in salads? How do you cook your left over dahlias after grow season?

  4. drmobius
    drmobius says:

    I love all your videos. So happy you broke ties with the media company because your content is gold and I don't know what I would be watching on the weekends if not for your team.

  5. J Pangilinan
    J Pangilinan says:

    Really appreciated the different cabbage recipes. I've started buying more cabbage because its just as healthy as the other cruciferous leafy greens, but it's a lot cheaper and you get more for your $$. My recent go to is cabbage simmered in bone broth until just tender. Not even a recipe but it's easy, nutrient dense, and filling.

  6. Wendy Lane
    Wendy Lane says:

    My mother's side of the family is Hungarian. We eat stuffed peppers in tomato soup. We have another cabbage dish: (phonetic name) kapesta tasta. It's green cabbage sauteed down in bacon dripping and some sugar to brown it nicely. Then we add it to egg noodles. Sprinkle sugar on top and enjoy. It's a main dish that we'd have a lot on Sundays. Delicious!


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