How Do I Stay Slim Eating So Much?

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Listen to me talk about staying slim in Japan while eating a traditional Japanese breakfast. Let us know your thoughts in the …

30 replies
  1. Opossum Sauce
    Opossum Sauce says:

    Please stay healthy, and don't try to impress the camera with binge eating, you will regret it. Youtuber Nikocado did, and became severely obese and sad. It would be tragic to see another Youtuber go down that path. Stay safe ❤️

  2. Victoria Pulcifer
    Victoria Pulcifer says:

    People like to contribute weight gain to things like gluttony and lack of exercise, but really it's just a matter of metabolism. My family over indulges on junk food, pizza, etc and sits around watching TV all day, and we look "healthy" to outsiders. Then my autistic sister had to take medication and she went from being the twiggiest of us to being obese. AND I'd actually argue that she's actually the most active out of all of us with all the running and jumping around she does :/

  3. Flaksting
    Flaksting says:

    You Seem like you have zero personality. Almost reminds me of the sociopathic killer Andrew Cunanen (because of the shallow videos and your voice that lacks any emotion) that can’t be true. Please share more. What do you do I JPN, why do you eat for living. What do you miss etc 😊

  4. Rae
    Rae says:

    Gaining and loosing weight is a part of life. I find it slightly rude when people say "you eat so much but you're so thin" It's no different then saying to a fat person "you eat so little but you're fat".


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