How did they taste? KETO recipe review!

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Thank you so much for watching!❤️ Recipe links: Pork chop Cauliflower salad …

13 replies
  1. TheAutumnHeather
    TheAutumnHeather says:

    my mother in law would make at least a few times a month for our family Sunday dinners pork chops in mushroom soup.. your pork chop dish reminded me of that.. looks like this could be a keto version to try with them!

  2. jemsmom97
    jemsmom97 says:

    It really annoys me every time I hear someone say a recipe item made with cauliflower doesn’t taste like cauliflower. Because they almost always do. That being said, I appreciate your honesty saying the smaller pieces taste less like cauliflower than larger pieces. So I will give this recipe a try. Thank you!

  3. Yvette Bennett
    Yvette Bennett says:

    I think bone in pork chops are always more tender.
    I also put my egg roll in a bowl over cauliflower rice. Its delicious. My family eats egg roll in a bowl over jasmine rice. Food for thought.
    Happy 4th of July! 🇺🇸❤

  4. Debbie Fisher
    Debbie Fisher says:

    I have had egg roll in a bowl saved on Pinterest for awhile now. You have inspired me to make it next week. I made "potato" salad today with cauliflower and eggs, mayo, mustard, vinegar, salt, pepper and it was so good. I cut the cauli really small and dh said he couldn't tell it was cauliflower.

    PINK KIOTEE says:

    OMG, I needed a good laugh today & I sure got it! Happy 4th! I was just watching some of your older videos & ran across the Cross Fit one from 10/18. I thought I was gonna fall off my chair! That is some funny stuff but I can relate! I was just picturing that episode in my mind! You poor thing! Glad to hear things got better! Thanks for these great videos! You got this, girl!!! 💜☮️💜


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