How and Why Sheridan Acres Grows Heirloom Beans on Their Family Farm in Michigan

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We continue with my bean interview series, Behind the Scenes the World of Beans! Today, we are talking to Kevin Messing.

2 replies
  1. @BartBVanBockstaele
    @BartBVanBockstaele says:

    I use an Instant Pot as well. I love the broth, especially in the case of soybeans, but I ended up titrating the amount of water so that there would be no water left after cooking, concentrating the taste in the beans themselves. However, I now almost never use the Instant Pot anymore because it is too big and awkward for comfort in my tiny bachelor kitchen

    I cook small beans and lentils in the rice cooker and grind large beans and soybeans in a blender after which I cook them in the microwave or put them in soup. Works perfectly, no work worth mentioning and very tasty. I cannot imagine having a beanless day. I just have to be careful not to overeat them because of their hyperpalatability and high energy content, but that is the only downside.

    Storing is a snap, especially since they are so compact and light and I always have a several months' worth of stock.

    People who don't eat beans are really missing out.


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