HONG KONG STREET FOOD | The Best Cart Noodles In Hong Kong?

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Cart Noodles, perhaps more than any other dish, have their history entirely rooted in Hong Kong. In this episode we check out …

39 replies
  1. Operation egld
    Operation egld says:

    Found your channel from algo 😬
    I have to say even I'm a local myself, watching you do the vids about the food, the culture of hong kong it's oddly satisfying I have to admit.
    Keep up the great work❤️

  2. Bofu P
    Bofu P says:

    When I was a student, I had cart noodles everyday. It can be cheap and good taste, and you can eat less or more depending on whether you need to save money for PS5 or keep fit.

  3. Kevin So
    Kevin So says:

    That’s good to have a western people trying the very local food in HK. There are many places have many good foods. Have you tried HK milk tea, egg tart?
    They are the most traditional food & drink in HK.

  4. johnsonleung6
    johnsonleung6 says:

    excellent recommendation Sam, i am sure this shop is the MOST popular and well-liked noodle shop in Hong Kong. You also researched and tell us details of the history and traditions of the HK Cart Noodles , really appreciate that !! All in all, I can say that you are down to earth and very realistic with eating FACTs, I trust you more than i trust those Michilin recommendations !

  5. Obi Phil
    Obi Phil says:

    Its basically choose your own noodle with a range of meat and veggie sides you can choose from to add to your main noodle staple. Hong Kong's answer to Singapore's yong tau foo!

  6. TSO
    TSO says:

    Thanks Sam , that is my childhood when I was still in Hong Kong. Now I get stuck in here for only three kinds of food. Canned, Frozen and of course Instant. Sometime it really make me think , did I make a right choice ?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  7. Edward Chiang
    Edward Chiang says:

    Actually it's been existed for more than 30 years. They used to be in the small alley in the other block of the street behind where they are right now, just a cart with a few tables in the alley. Thanks for the wave of good review from the tourists, they have moved to the current shop. Their broth are one of the best.


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