Honey chicken meal prep done in 30 minutes to set you up for the whole week | Episode 1

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Meal prep is about making our lives easier, saving money, portion control and control of cravings and temptations. This delicious …

47 replies
  1. bojken
    bojken says:

    My sauce didn't reduce as yours did, anyone know why? I used sambal oelek and white wine vinegar instead of sriracha sauce and apple cider vinegar.

  2. Daniel Richards
    Daniel Richards says:

    When I cook the chicken thighs, before I put the sauce in there’s always a lot of water I’m guessing from the chicken so it makes the sauce runny, would you recommend discarding that before adding the sauce?

  3. AJ
    AJ says:

    Have you ever thought that normal people do not measure in ounce. they measure in spoons. That is what I called Mr Genius with no touch with reality

    THINK GREEN says:

    Thank you for this amazing meal prep video

    I have a question
    Is it fine if i bring the meal prep out from the fridge and warm/heat it up again, then i bring it to my office and will leave it to be uneaten for 3-4 hours ?

    I am afraid it will be stale

    Please advise me

    Thank you in advance ❤️

  5. Wooh
    Wooh says:

    First video I've seen of you, subscribed!
    This was amazing, simple and fast video, great explaining on what you are doing and why you are doing it.
    Great job!

  6. Katie
    Katie says:

    Thank you very much for this! Looks great and really straightforward. Where did you get your freezer containers from? I struggle to find any with air vents in but they look much more convenient.

  7. Guilty
    Guilty says:

    No idea why this was in my recommended but since I started my diet a few days ago now I have something to do tomorrow…MEAL PREP! Great video looks amazing.

  8. Marc Lawson
    Marc Lawson says:

    this looks really good! but i'm worried it might be too small for bulking. would you do a video for people trying to bulk up and meal prep? or even list like a "if you want to use more chicken, add this much extra sauce" etc.? thanks!!

  9. Temascos
    Temascos says:

    This is such a great video, thank you so much! I love doing meal prep stuff and this is a really great idea. I look forward to making a whole bunch of these for the months ahead! 🙂


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