Honestly Reviewing the latest ‘Meat Alternatives’

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Happy Friday! Today Mike and Barry are reviewing some culinary wonders in the form of Meat Alternatives! Time to CANCEL your …

47 replies
  1. Dim T
    Dim T says:

    I have 0 problems with vegan foods but can we please stop with propping up the whole "organic" bullshit

    Its exactly the same product, its worse for the environment, and its entirely an arbitrary ideological system vis a vis what is allowed instead of anything scientific. And organic doesn't even mean pesticide free, the pesticides used are simply mostly non synthetic (and does use some synthetic ones decided as i said entirely arbitrarily), which makes em worse health wise for both the workers and the consumers (because they aren't specialised but just straight up poison, like asbestos for example)

    If you want to help the environment,push for better regulation in regards to disciplined use of pesticides and antibiotics, and consume products from those sources, don't prop up an entirely arbitrary system that uses more land for less yield and produces the identical product

  2. AnnieLongGone
    AnnieLongGone says:

    I gave up meat 44+ years ago, not because I didn't like it – oh how I did like it – but as a response to the cruelty of intensive animal husbandry. I have never looked back, but every now and then I do fancy eating something that gives me the texture of meat between my teeth. Most products have been disappointing, a scant few have hit the spot but then they’ve gone out of production. The only solution has always been to cook meatless recipes from around the world. My meals are never boring and you should see my vast worldwide herb and spice collection! The excess (overly large packets) are available free upon request 😊

  3. Robdidopp
    Robdidopp says:

    You could also try Laetiporus sulphureus, a common fungus known as "chicken of the woods". Doesn't taste of much, but has the exact consistency of (unfortunately dry) chicken breast.

  4. Chloe
    Chloe says:

    Barry's argument I hear a lot as a vegan. It's not the taste of meat I have a problem with. It's the cruelty and the murder. I still miss and enjoy the taste of meat, but I don't condone killing innocent animals for the benefit of my taste buds. So however close these companies get to recreating the taste and texture of meat, I will always encourage and applaud.

  5. iands10 _destroyer
    iands10 _destroyer says:

    Hello sorted crew: I’d like to challenge you to make the ultimate veggie Burger from scratch that will hold up on a barbecue. I’m a great fan of barbecuing and since my daughter decided to go veggie 8 years ago she has not found a burger that works on a barbecue

  6. Paul Mawdsley
    Paul Mawdsley says:

    I would like to see references to Ultra-Processed Foods made in things like this – E.g. the Nova score for "This" products are 4 – not great. Seitan is less evil at 3 (natural) often though has added c$$p making it 4… Thanks folks!

  7. simply absurdity
    simply absurdity says:

    And here's the thing, in my country we're so used to eat vegetables every meal. And we have so many dishes that only used vegetables in the recipe. That we think this whole meat replacement is pretty silly.
    Like jackfruit. We braised it and serve it with tofu and tempeh. And most of the people didn't really search for meat when eating that dish.

    But there's a lot of people that can't live without fish though.

  8. Cyf Cyfa
    Cyf Cyfa says:

    I still stand by my "if you leave meat, then leave it" view. If you substitute with actual veg and fruits, fine, but the process that all the shop bought substitutes go through is likely to cause you far more cancers than by comparison quitting meat saves animal lives.

  9. Indira Arizza
    Indira Arizza says:

    Just gonna say a good fresh uncooked tempe, although yes it is quite bland, should actually smell a bit floral-y.

    You might also want to look for someone who sell their own homemade tempe, I can assure it tastes much better.😊

  10. Coldhands
    Coldhands says:

    A little frustrating, as a non vegan or vegetarian, that y'all ignore that not everyone abstains from meat because they don't like eating meat. Could be ethical, religious, health-related, environmentally-conscious, there's nothing wrong with them missing bacon

  11. Ana Bondance
    Ana Bondance says:

    In Brazil we have "coxinha de jaca", in which we use jackfruit instead of pulled chicken – original coxinha filling. Have yet to meet someone who dislikes it, even people who are not veggie seem to love it.

    On that note, having more than aubergine or mushroom options is the dream of most vegetarian/vegan people when eating out over here. Some chefs don't care much for the variety of people and taste buds there are in this public, which is okay – it's just that, sometimes, something different is much better than a mushroom burger.

  12. Guus van Wijk
    Guus van Wijk says:

    Absolutely love the Sorted guys, but as a non-veggie/vegan, I must say, I do agree with baz. I really do not like meat replacements to act as meat! That is the reason I do not use it, but make a lot of vegetarian dishes with just vegetables (eat a maximum of 1 meat dishe a week).

  13. stefan 027
    stefan 027 says:

    I feel like Barry has bought a personal conquest into this, rather than looking at what they’re trying to accomplish.

    The marketing is to help people who don’t know where to start and bring them to an alternative.

    A meat eater who wants to consume less meat for whatever their reasoning will not know what a soy, pea, wheat based protein nugget is and how to use it.

    This is coming from a meat eater, this video seemed like Barry had already closed his mind to this idea and video.

  14. katie m
    katie m says:

    as someone whose job is in the food industry, Baz thinking that essentially 'the only reason people are vegan is not liking eating/the taste of meat' smacks of having no idea of how the meat you guys cook is produced. some of us just want to live on a habitable planet and choose to make our biggest impact change as individuals

  15. Cath Palug
    Cath Palug says:

    Not vegetarian but jackfruit is delicious cooked in gudeg and in gulai nangka. Preparing them from fresh is hassle but it worth the effort
    Tempeh, on another hand, is easy to cook. My favorite would be just thinly sliced them and cover in batter before then deep frying.

  16. Emma Avery
    Emma Avery says:

    The “if you’re vegan why would you want meat-imitating things” argument doesn’t work for a handful of reasons. A lot of people have mentioned that just because you choose not to eat meat doesn’t mean you don’t miss the taste or dishes that come with meat. But also the industrial farming industry is one of the largest contributors to global warming and waste, and if we want to cut that down as a global society we have to have options for non-vegans to substitute with.

  17. Sarah Linnell
    Sarah Linnell says:

    As a vegan that really enjoys your content and has often thought they'd like to see more meat alternatives and vegan/veg cooking/challenges on your channel, turns out I was wrong. This "if you're a vegan, you don't want to eat meat, just eat a vegetable," is so damn tired and exhausting. Or maybe, next time, don't include Barry. It's so dismissive and pretty ignorant. You have the internet, it's not hard to figure out why people go vegan but might still want, or enjoy, a meat alternative. Or how it can be a good option for meat-eaters trying to reduce their meat consumption. For a channel usually so open minded about trying different food from different cultures this fell short to me. I'm disappointed.

  18. hello
    hello says:

    For a lot of us who haven't eaten dairy and meat in a long time, very quickly you forget what the real thing tastes like and therefore the meat and dairy subs don't need to reach such a high standard as you guys have set in your video.

    So even if people who eat meat aren't convinced, a lot of us vegetarians actually love the alternatives because they remind us enough of the real thing 🙂

  19. jrbtubestop
    jrbtubestop says:

    I’m a vegetarian for ethical reasons so still enjoy the taste and texture of meat on occasion. In the USA, we have some excellent brands: Impossible Meat, Beyond Meat, Gardein, just to name a few. The products provide both texture and taste. They’re also quite expensive, at least where I live.

  20. Sylvia Gautama
    Sylvia Gautama says:

    In Indonesia, Jack Fruit is different than what you are cooking here. It is part of the jackfruit but it is not the fruit. The fruit itself is yellow, and the one that you cooked is the outer part of the fruit. We cooked it using coconut milk and mix it with other veggies. Also, the seed of the jackfruit can be eaten too. We steam/boil it, and then peel the seed, and eat the inner part of it.

  21. Moondust Manwise
    Moondust Manwise says:

    I like vegetarian options that don't even try to pretend to be meat, the fact that it can stand on its own is the best part, so Tempeh looks real yum to me. Unfortunately I live in the middle of nowhere so finding it would be impossible

    MARY EVANS says:

    You really need to review Impossible Burger and Beyond burger and Morning Star bacon( which you cook 6 slices on paper towels in microwave for 2 minutes .great crispy bacon. And Beyond meatballs. Great vegetarian choices for meat

  23. P G
    P G says:

    I get both fresh and frozen (pre-cut) jackfruit at the Asian store. But it requires skill to prepare which I didn't have. I made a curry which came out just ok.

  24. Max White
    Max White says:

    I agree with not calling food that's not meat, a " meat alternative" just enjoy it for what it is. I imagine this is done for marketing purposes. And the salami etc I think can only be for people who don't want to be vegan but feel they should and this is bridging the gap

  25. Pdid
    Pdid says:

    The more "meat alternatives" that are released is just more and more proof that these people are fighting their very subconscious to eat actual meat lol.


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