Homeschooling, Winter Animal Watering and Finding Ammo | CHIT CHAT EPISODE | The Pantry Chat

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Come hang out with us in the Harvest Kitchen as we devote an entire Pantry Chat to CHIT CHAT! We’re covering so many topics including homeschooling, how …

22 replies
  1. Denise Salemink
    Denise Salemink says:

    Josh and Caroline, I want to thank you for taking time to share all that you do with us. You give so much encouraging information. It's nice to have you "whippersnappers" being so generous to the world by sharing your experiences. God Bless you!

  2. Mariaha
    Mariaha says:

    Any plans for videos on fd items? (Sorry if I missed one). My personal favorites: slices baby bellas, ground beef, greens powders, beets powder, cottage cheese and raw eggs but am still experimenting.

  3. Calamity Sue
    Calamity Sue says:

    Shipping with my sone was lickety split. He said I like those pants, try on a pair, then grab 2 or 3 of the same, sometimes he let me talk him into at least 2 different shades of blue! He even let me talk him into a tan pair ONCE! LOL
    Then there are daughters…plan for a full day, lunch included as it's gonna be a long day! 😄 Of course I did my shopping with my daughters, as a day with your daughters should be cherished…they grow up so fast.

  4. Tdew DN
    Tdew DN says:

    OMG Savory is the best way to go on winter squash. For me, butter salt, and pepper are the best. For Pumpkin is canned. I drain and eat it savory or make pies and bread and muffins. I usually drink the juice of the canned squash item 😃

  5. A DeVries
    A DeVries says:

    The clothing day brings back memories. I used to polish the leather shoes and put them back in their boxes, and pretend we were going to the shoe store and tried on shoes. The children were so excited. We had 8!

  6. reta strong
    reta strong says:

    Instead of buying distilled water get you a Berkey water filter. Or better yet just by their filters and go on YouTube and find out how to use food grade 5 gallon buckets and make your own water filter with Berkey filters

  7. Pat Prettyman
    Pat Prettyman says:

    I started pressure canning in April, ❓ say if I make a large pot of calico beans with cooked ground beef in it. How would I pressure can a pre-made food into jars. Pat from Oregon coast.

  8. Mommie Jenks
    Mommie Jenks says:

    Thank you so much for sharing all this valuable information. We are also a large family and are planning on listing our house in Washington state next spring so we can sell and move to the country and homestead. While we are planning on moving where it is warmer than you are, we are loving having all this knowledge before we move so we can be better prepared. Thank you and God Bless!!

  9. JD W
    JD W says:

    Abandoning public schools administered by Satan’s Disciples and moving to homeschooling may be the only way to save our Constitutional Republic and it may just save our children’s souls! Be sure to review all course materials including all on line classes if used! I would only use prerecorded class materials! God be with you!

  10. Lauren Shwarts
    Lauren Shwarts says:

    Carolyn, do you have any videos or resources on cooking venison? I grew up eating fried backstrap, and I do enjoy venison chili, but I've tried making a few other things with venison (like a roast), and I'm so accustomed to the flavor of beef that it's a challenge for me. But both my husband and I enjoy hunting and I really want to develop my game-cooking repertoire more. Would love any insight or tips you might have! ❤


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